Thursday, March 31, 2016

Why President Trump...General Groves the SOB who MADE the BOMB, ended the WAR, and brought PEACE to USA and the World

 Then he added: "If I had to do my part of the atomic-bomb over again and had the privilege of picking my Boss....
I would pick General Groves.

Why Donald J. Trump for President?  For the survival of the FREEDOMS "We the People" have fought and died to protect.  Read how Trump is perhaps...General Groves INCARNATE
After reading of the Start to finish story of the Atom Bomb, "Made in Hanford" I came across these two paragraphs speaking of the temperament and the capability of it's EGO oriented leader; on page 16. 

The state of affairs in the hopes of ending World War II eerie similar to the drastic politics leading the USA today with Trump being attacked by Both parties...#15 of the communist manifesto being realized.  e.g.. Take control of one or both political parties...I believe Donald J. Trump IS General Groves INCARNATE.....

From the Text, Page 16; Made In Hanford, The Bomb that changed the World.

Grove's grab for a General's star was only one reason he was thoroughly disliked by fellow officers. He stepped on toes, he bruised feelings, he ignored the chain of command. His was a domineering personality, impatient with delay and--particularly--INCOMPETENCE,  He was a man who harbored deep suspicions, who had undying dislikes but also lasting loyalties. Bur he could also whip projects INTO shape and get things done. Some doubt the bomb would of been completed for wartime use if Grove had NOT been in charge.
    Groves #2 man, Col. Nichols later wrote: "First Groves is the biggest SOB I have EVER worked for. He is most demanding. He is most critical. He is always a driver never a praiser. He is abrasive and sarcastic. He disregards all normal organizational channels.  He is extremely intelligent.  He has the GUTS to make timely, difficult decisions.  He is the most egotistical man I know."  Nichols written memories seem to pause as thought the author was taking a deep breath. Then he added: "If I had to do my part of the atomic-bomb over again and had the privilege of picking my Boss....I would pick General Groves.

1 comment:

  1. @jackcashill authored the perfect explanation to my take on #islamINCARNATE of Liberalism
