I had a dream. I envisioned a time when the DREAM was NOT perverted...I had a Dream.
I had a dream. I envisioned that ALL adults possessed intellectual honesty....I had a dream...
I envisioned that be good and kind was SEXIER than Mean, & nasty and for too many ...much worse....I had a dream...
Yes, I have been dreaming that Good will always prevail over Evil.....and THEN...I awoke from my dream.
I fear it takes three generations of real PAIN before EVIL stops becoming SEXY and Virtue rises from the ashes the Disenchantment with Entitlement AGE.
Ask em...."do you cry easy as well?" They say Neo-CON....YOU say SISSY... Fight fire with FIRE!.....Out alinsky the alinskyites.... The ones that hate ridicule THE MOST are the ones that USE Ridicule