Probably one of the most well spoken most accurate depiction of america
and our founders intention I have seen ...ever.
It was very simply
stated while driving some important points. Thank you for the video
Honestly like the JFK cadence to the voice also Thomas Jefferson would
be proud.

Rejecting the authority of the Constitution-
Democrats looking to TAKE over America from the inside out...suckers...are US
Liberalism and their life long DREAM of the destruction of our Constitution's #ORIGINALintent.
Words ALONE...with context MEAN diddly.....squat!
When words are thrown out at you without context....
its called JIVE...meaningless....
REJECT words used outside of its original intent.
How do they DO IT? How do they ROLL
(over WE the People) so easily...
First Co-op the Language.....
1. Liberal (communist )
vs Classical Liberalism (Classical liberalism is a political ideology and a branch of liberalism which advocates civil liberties and political freedom with representative democracy under the rule of law and emphasizes economic freedoms found in economic liberalism which is also
called free market capitalism.) or CAPITALISM
The Co-opting of words do two things.
Imagine a carpenter's tool box...where the hammer is stolen, where the Square ruler is now a Circle, When the Level is now NOT level...
This is EXACTLY what is happening to our Society.
Our tools used to manage a civil civilization is slow being STOLEN ...WHILE we watch and go along with THE theft of our language.
Our tools used to manage a civil civilization is slow being STOLEN ...WHILE we watch and go along with THE theft of our language.
I can't, any longer, in good conscience, to use the word PROGRESSIVE...for I KNOW every time I use it...my subliminal imprints in my brain my acceptance of "progressivism"
The word gay arrived in English during the 12th century from Old French gai, most likely deriving ultimately from a Germanic source.[1]
In English, the word's primary meaning was "joyful", "carefree",
"bright and showy", and the word was very commonly used with this
meaning in speech and literature. For example, the optimistic 1890s are still often referred to as the Gay Nineties.
My question intuitively is why use a different word for HOMOSEXUAL if you accept and are proud of who YOU ARE? Why use a different word...unless YOU are ashamed.....
REJECT, on its face, WORDS, imposed upon WE the People, that CHANGE
the ORIGINAL INTENT of the word
There are many words I would like to add to this blog post.
Please provide me suggestions in the comment sections...salute...Patriots....
Destruction of the Constitution's ORIGINAL INTENT
Please provide me suggestions in the comment sections...salute...Patriots....
Destruction of the Constitution's ORIGINAL INTENT
When Liberals say UP...believe THEY mean is DOWN