Watch the clip and the 2-4 second delay....of applause...waiting for "permission "...
Liberals are BrainWashed NOT mentally ill.
Consider the fact that innocents are affect by mental illness....there is nothing innocent of those allowing themselves to be brain washed..and certainly NOTHING INNOCENT of those DOING the brain washing..
This clip...of Conan....makes my points...essentially PROVES my point...
IF this audience was NOT brainwashed....and in fact simply did not like our President...there would of been NO applause...
"For those who understand, no explanation is needed. For those who do not understand, no explanation is possible."
I'm tired of "liberals are mentally ill." Blogging over the years I hope to illustrate to you that it's about BEING brainwashed.
Liberals and all leftists, their grass root followers have been and are currently becoming more and more brainwashed via the use of the pop culture....
Below is an academic site from which I posted a portion of an article speaking to mind control....first....lets define terms....
Say What!?
According to Wikipedia…Mind control (also known as brainwashing, coercive persuasion, mind abuse, menticide, thought control, or thought reform) refers to a process in which a group or individual “systematically uses unethically manipulative methods to persuade others to conform to the wishes of the manipulator(s), often to the detriment of the person being manipulated”.
Huh. Isn’t that just what narcissists LIBERALS do on a daily basis!?
I call it become #popUlarized the notion of belonging
Say What!?
According to Wikipedia…Mind control (also known as brainwashing, coercive persuasion, mind abuse, menticide, thought control, or thought reform) refers to a process in which a group or individual “systematically uses unethically manipulative methods to persuade others to conform to the wishes of the manipulator(s), often to the detriment of the person being manipulated”.
Mind Control by Narcissists

[TRIGGER WARNING] I’m terrified of my parents. Yep, terrified. You may look at me askance, because there was very little physical abuse in my family. So, why am I terrified?
Because, in a homespun “lite” way, they played the Meryl Streep to my Liev Schreiber (The Manchurian Candidate: 2004).
A Tale of Two Minds Full article here
In the olden days (1948-1960s) when mind control was being perfected by the CIA in their MK Ultra program, the techniques used were brutal. They lacked finesse. Victims minds were manipulated via the use of drugs such as LSD and the infliction of pain by methods shockingly similar to SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse.)The alter(s) only came to the fore when triggered usually by keywords or phrases, often spoken via telephone, to do a particular task.
The Gentle Touch
Nowadays, mind control has learned finesse. Cults and others who wish to control the mind use a little thing called coercive persuasion. In fact, the 1980s case of Wollersheim v. Church of Scientology hinged on whether or not coercive persuasion had occurred. The Supreme Court ruled that it had…and Wollershim won his case and a cool $8.6 million!Coercive Persuasion Full article here
All you need to do is to…- Cause your victim extreme anxiety
- Trigger excessive stress
- Repeat, repeat, repeat
- And throw in a few key words aka triggers
Voila! Mind Control.
Connecting the Dots - Full article here..
As my regular readers know, as I study narcissism I also follow every bunny trail. Mind control was one of those bunny trails. It fascinated me. Intrigued me. And that’s always a bad sign. It means I’ve stumbled onto a morsel or crumb of truth.
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And as you, dear readers, have shared your personal stories in
comments, emails and IMs, it emerged that I was far from alone. You also
were triggered by keywords to don your “parent-created” alter…abandoning your true self, true thoughts, true emotions, true beliefs.Mind control, anyone?