Learning from Rush Limbaugh's show, 4/20/2018...we have learned..
From Limbaugh's show today, a caller....with THE story
Caller Claims Amazon Review Chicanery on Saint Comey’s Book
Apr 20, 2018
RUSH: Chris in Memphis, as we start on the phones. And this gonna be not related to anything I’ve said, but that’s what Open Line Friday’s all about. So Chris, you’re up. What’s happening? How you doing?
CALLER: I’m doing well. Thank you for taking my call, Mr. Limbaugh.
RUSH: You bet.
CALLER: I just wanted to let you know that if you try to give James Comey’s book less than a four-star review on Amazon, not only will they block you from doing so, but they basically warn you that you could lose your privileges, your Prime privileges for what they deem abuse.
RUSH: Is that right? If you try to give it only three stars or two stars, they threaten you with losing your Prime subscription?
CALLER: You basically get a message that says they’re not going to accept it for worries about abuse. And then you’re referred to their terms and policies which basically say that if you are somebody who engages in abuse, that you could lose your privileges.
RUSH: Okay. Just so I understand, because I don’t do ratings at online stores, so I’ve never done this. Are you telling me — I imagine you can give it one to five stars. Right? Is that the way it works?
CALLER: Yes, sir.
RUSH: So if you try to give Comey’s book three stars you are given a message warning you that you are abusing the system?
CALLER: Yes, sir. If you look on Amazon and you see the book, you can see that there’s only four- and five-star reviews on there, so it’s misleading not only for the fact of rating, but people who are potentially buying the book, when you look at an item, you look at the review, like if other people have liked it. So if you look at his, you know, you see however many reviews, and every one of them, and they’re mostly five-star, but they’re four- and five-star.
RUSH: And so you think this whole thing is illegitimate because they’re not allowing people who don’t like the book to review it?
CALLER: If you’re worried about problems of abuse, it seems like you would just disable all ratings, but I feel like it’s dishonest to only disable bad ratings, again, because people potentially looking to buy the book —
RUSH: Aw, come on. If what you say is true — Snerdley, are you attempting this right now? Is that what you’re doing? The Official Program Observer is seeing if this happens to him. You know, I don’t read reviews of anything. I don’t look at stars or ratings or anything. If I want something, I buy it. If I don’t, I don’t.
I don’t look at reviews for movies. I don’t look at reviews for TV shows. I read them for show prep, but not to determine whether or not to watch ’em or buy them. As a powerful, influential member of the media, I have to absorb all this stuff anyway. And a lot of it is offered to me gratis, but I don’t accept it. I don’t want any obligation to anybody. But look, Steven, we’ll check this out. If what you say is true, is anybody surprised? Is anybody surprised that Amazon would not permit anything less than a four-star review for the book by Saint Comey? Come on!
RUSH: Okay. The caller was correct. We had numerous staffers here attempt to rate Comey’s book with less than four-stars. Here is the message that you get: “Sorry. We are unable to accept your review of this product. This product currently has limitations on submitting reviews. This may be because we detected unusual review behavior on this product or to maintain the best possible shopping experience. For more details, see the customer review guidelines.”
However, one of my staffers got the same message when he tried to give it a four- and five-star review, not just a one-, two-, or three-star. When he tried to rate it anything, he got the same message. Now, Amazon has the ability, folks — (laughing) — they may know who you are. They know your purchase history.
All you have to do is log on and everything you’ve ever done with Amazon is right there on the screen if you want to find out. You want to see your orders, you want to see your searches, it’s right there instantly, the minute you log on. So if you’re the kind of person that reviews things, reviews political books, they know it. And if they know that you routinely give negative reviews to liberal writers, they may decide to shut you down.
Everybody talks about Facebook, and everybody talks about Google. But you have to include Amazon in this. You know, Amazon Web Services — do you people know about that? Have you ever heard of Amazon Web Services? Amazon has the largest server farms in the world. Apple leases space on Amazon servers for iCloud and iCloud Drive. The U.S. government buys space from Amazon Web Services to run some of their data.
This is one of the first things Amazon did at the same time they were going Big Retail. They’ve got the largest data server business. It is massive. They have worldwide clients. You didn’t know that? Amazon Web Services, AWS. Google it. Look ’em up on Wikipedia. You’d be shocked. So if you start talking about Facebook and Google and so forth, you gotta throw the Amazon guys in there as well. They lease server space, cloud data storage space to practically everybody you’re doing business with.
Sean Hannity's attack by the communist Media hogs is hypocrisy squared.
Hannity need not disclose...but aside from that...look at the number of abnormal (see abnormals) hypocrites that FAILED to DISCLOSE.
Take note of Rush Limbaugh's archive of 4/17/2018...where he outlines...from which I copied text here below...and below that...the very archive of Rush...
Leftists in the media....JournOlist click and see
Exposing hypocrisy is the easiest thing to do.....
Just find documented statements, cut and paste....
juxtapose it to their PERVERTED claims...
against those speaking truth in media
Let’s talk about all the conflict of interest that exist just in
Washington, D.C., and all the conflicts of interest that you haven’t
been told about. They say Hannity should have disclosed.
Well, should F.
Chuck Todd disclose?
Should Ben Rhodes disclose?
Should Bruce Ohr have
Should Peter Strzok have disclosed?
Should McCabe have
Should Comey have disclosed?
The conflicts throughout the
Washington establishment and the Democrat Party in this project to get
Trump are legion.
Jackie Kucinich.
Not gonna call this a conflict, but you should know
that she’s the daughter of former Democrat congressman Dennis Kucinich.
She’s in the Drive-By Media: The Daily Beast.
Jake Tapper, CNN
1992 served as campaign
press secretary for Democrat congressional candidate Marjorie
Margolies-Mezvinsky, who is — wait for it — the more than likely of
Chelsea Clinton. In 1997, Jake Tapper was a spokesman for Handgun
Control, a gun-control advocacy group. CNN and Tapper failed to disclose
Tapper’s anti-gun activism in advance of the town hall that he hosted
with the Parkland students. Did any of you know any of this?
Jeffrey Toobin
is the son of former NBC News infobabe Marlene Sanders.
Toobin worked for the Iran-Contra special counsel Lawrence Walsh. Toobin
is a lifelong friend of Supreme Court justice Elena Kagan. And Toobin
was a member of the infamous JournoList. JournoList was started by a wunderkind at the Washington Post at the time, Ezra Klein.
Matt Miller
Matt Miller was the voice here who said, “He’s gonna
have to answer questions about why he didn’t disclose the relationship.”
Matthew Miller, Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder’s spokesman, former
communications director for the Democrat Senatorial Campaign Committee.
He’s also worked for Senator Robert Menendez and the 2004 John Kerry
presidential campaign. How many people watching CNN that know Matt
Miller was Holder’s spokesman, former communications director for the
group that elects Democrats to the Senate and for Robert Menendez
(recently on trial for corruption charges), and worked on the John Kerry
presidential campaign? That’s a lot to disclose. Gloria Borger
She was next. This is not really anything other than
curiously interesting. Her son Evan is married to Mary Anne Huntsman,
daughter of politician Jon Huntsman Jr. Ari Melber. This is the guy
saying, “He was out there criticizing the DOJ, the FBI raid on Michael
Cohen all the while hiding the fact he hired Cohen.” Ari Melber has
worked for Democrat senator Maria Cantwell for John Kerry’s presidential
campaign. He is divorced from fellow reporter Drew Grant, reporter for
the New York Observer.
Anderson Cooper
Has he disclosed his ties to the Democrat Party, to the John Kerry
presidential campaign?
He’s a Vanderbilt. His mother
was Gloria Vanderbilt. His father was Wyatt Emory Cooper. Just that he
has links to the elite, of course. Nothing scandalous there. John
Harwood. John Harwood is a noted anti-Trumper and anti-conservative.
He’s been at the New York Times, the Washington… I think the Wall Street
John Harwood
John Harwood is a noted anti-Trumper and
anti-conservative. He’s been at the New York Times, the Washington… I
think the Wall Street Journal.
Harwood’s father was a reporter for the Washington Post at age 11.
Harwood appeared in a 1968 RFK for President ad. When WikiLeaks dumped
John Podesta’s emails, John Harwood was all over ’em sucking up to the
Clinton campaign. Mika Brzezinski. She is the daughter of Zbig
Brzezinski, the late Zbigniew Brzezinski, and former national security
adviser for Jimma Carter. She was married to TV news reporter Patrick
Hoffer and is now engaged to Scarborough.
Mika Brzezinski
She is the daughter of Zbig Brzezinski, the late
Zbigniew Brzezinski, and former national security adviser for Jimma
Carter. She was married to TV news reporter Patrick Hoffer and is now
engaged to Scarborough.
I don’t know if they got married at all. But she didn’t disclose that
she was dating
Scarborough while everybody watching the show knew it.
And Ron Brownstein. Ron Brownstein was the last voice you heard. “The
idea that in any normal newsroom you could go on and do that having this
kind of relationship with the person you’re talking about and not
disclose to it your audience, you know, is just extraordinary.”
Ron Brownstein
was the last voice you heard. “The idea that in any
normal newsroom you could go on and do that having this kind of
relationship with the person you’re talking about and not disclose to it
your audience, you know, is just extraordinary.”
Brownstein worked for Ralph Nader. Uber-leftist Ralph Nader. His
first wife was Nina Easton of Fortune magazine. Brownstein’s current
wife is Eileen Nicole McMenamin, the former communications director for
Senator John McCain. There’s a whole bunch, and that doesn’t even… We
haven’t even gotten to the conflicts on the Mueller team and at the DOJ
and on the Comey team, and wait ’til you hear those.
note of Rush Limbaugh's archive of 4/17/2018...where he outlines...from
which I copied text here below...and below that...the very archive of
Conflicted, Incestuous Washington Hypocrites Dare to Accuse Hannity of a Conflict of Interest!
Apr 17, 2018
RUSH: Let me tell you the truth about something. Every one of
these Drive-By Media hypocrites that are going on and on and on about
conflict of interest regarding Sean Hannity would be the first people to
accept an up-close and personal relationship with Barack Obama any day
of the week, Hillary Clinton any day of the week, and they wouldn’t have
any problem covering it up.
They would all brag about it. They all strive, they all wanted to
impress Obama, they wanted to be in Obama’s inner circle. What the hell
does it mean when you write that, “When I saw the crease in his slacks, I
knew this guy was gonna be a great president”? What does that really
mean? That was David Brooks, a so-called conservative. So
now, all of a sudden, everybody knows that Sean Hannity and Donald
Trump are good friends and they go way back. And everybody knows that
Sean Hannity believes in Donald Trump. And there’s not a single thing in
the world wrong with that. And everybody knows that Sean Hannity is
eager for Donald Trump to succeed, just like over half of the country
is. And there’s nothing wrong with that.
Sean Hannity has not withheld anything from anybody about anything
that he’s doing here. Sean Hannity is more honest, three times as honest
as anybody you can pluck from the Drive-By Media doing their jobs each
and every day. Each and every day they are engaging in deceit to try to
hide from you the close ties that they all have with each other.
Washington, D.C., is an incestuous revolving door. And Sean Hannity is
not part of the Drive-By Media, Washington, D.C., establishment.
Sean Hannity is an advocate for Donald Trump. And in this day and
age, advocates for Donald Trump are no different than Trump in that they
have to be destroyed, they have to be targeted, they have to be held up
for ridicule because it’s all about getting Trump. Every bit of this is
about getting Donald Trump. The Washington establishment cannot allow
for Donald Trump to succeed. He’s an outsider.
The establishment has established norms for the American people to
believe and accept, and that is that Washington really doesn’t work,
while making you think that they’re trying to fix this problem or that
problem. But in the 30 years I’ve been doing this program, the number of
things that actually get fixed, the number of things that actually
improve because of the political process in Washington you can count on
one hand. They can’t allow for some outsider to come in and in one year
or two fix things that they have been obstructing, essentially, for 30
years or longer.
And that’s the great threat that Donald Trump poses. The threat to
expose that the Washington establishment is not the best qualified to
actually lead this country forward and fix things for the people who
make this country work. It’s no more complicated than that. And so
anybody that is openly on Trump’s team is going to be targeted, as we
see here. I mean, pick your name of any avowed Trump supporter, and they
will have been targeted for some kind of damage or embarrassment since
the Trump campaign began. Now,
one of the claims that the Drive-By Media’s trying to sell everybody is
that Hannity was engaging in a gigantic conflict, that he didn’t tell
anybody that he was tight with Trump’s lawyer. Okay. So let’s unpack
this. The Drive-Bys think that Trump is dirty. They think Trump is a
criminal, not just because he colluded with Russia, but just in general,
he’s a thug. Therefore, his lawyer has to be one. Wasn’t John Gotti’s?
Can you name John Gotti’s main lawyer? I’ll give you a first name hint:
Bruce Cutler. Before Cutler was finished, everybody thought he was in
the mob too. They think Cohen’s in the mob. So, Hannity’s name gets
thrown out in court yesterday as a client, quote, unquote, of Cohen’s.
“Oh, my God, Hannity’s a thug, too!” is what connection they want you to
conclude. Cohen’s a thug representing a thug, fixing things for the
thug, and there’s his tight buddy, Hannity, whoa, whoa, what the hell?
They think they have a new discovery. Isn’t it interesting that every
bombshell discovery they’ve had for the last year and a half designed
to get rid of Donald Trump has fizzled out to absolutely nothing. They
don’t have anything that they’ve been looking at. Even James Comey’s
book doesn’t have anything new in it. And just as I predicted as an
aside, Comey is already starting to suffer slings and arrows and
criticism from people he thought would be his allies.
Now, stop and think of this. Here’s Comey writing a book, and he’s
obviously aiming this at Hillary supporters. That’s who he wants to make
him rich, which is what this book is about. The problem is half of
Hillary supporters hate the guy’s guts still. And they’re not happy with
any of this. So I don’t think this is gonna turn out for Comey the way
he is dreaming or envisioning. But that is a bit of an aside that I want
to circle back to later.
Every day, folks, for the last year and a half, what kind of things
do we learn? We learn that Donald Trump, Trump Tower, his campaign, his
transition illegally wiretapped, incidentally, by the way, to go get a
FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page or they’re spying on the Russian
ambassador, whoa, Nellie, look what we found here. Why, a guy talking to
Mike Flynn. Whoa, Nellie, look what we find here, Carter Page is
talking to X. So
we get this incidental spying, by design, on Trump people, illegally
wiretapped, entrapped, friends and attorneys being harassed, in some
cases, ruined. Massive improprieties within the FBI, massive
improprieties and corruption throughout the Justice Department, a Russia
investigation that is a bogus scam! We have had major lapses in
national security while the Obama administration was busy trying to
protect his legacy and hurt Trump. And the people doing this never, ever
get punished. They never get called out.
They have yet to be arrested. They have yet to be indicted,
convicted, or jailed. They’re not even spoken about in critical terms in
the mainstream media. Now all of a sudden Sean Hannity provides a
criminal link to Donald Trump? Sean Hannity provides a criminal link to
Michael Cohen? The Drive-Bys can’t get enough of this. And they’re
harping all over Hannity and his conflicts. Well, let’s talk about
Washington conflicts.
Let’s talk about all the conflict of interest that exist just in
Washington, D.C., and all the conflicts of interest that you haven’t
been told about. They say Hannity should have disclosed. Well, should F.
Chuck Todd disclose? Should Ben Rhodes disclose? Should Bruce Ohr have
disclosed? Should Peter Strzok have disclosed? Should McCabe have
disclosed? Should Comey have disclosed? The conflicts throughout the
Washington establishment and the Democrat Party in this project to get
Trump are legion.
They are many. And we’re gonna review some of them, because many of
them you probably don’t know. Well, we’re gonna go through the list, and
I want to start it. We put together a montage of audio sound bites here
of the Drive-Bys slamming Fox for conflict of interest while every one
of these people that you’re going to hear has a conflict of their own or
is in an incestuous relationship politically that they never disclose.
So this is our first stab at this. Here’s the montage…
JACKIE KUCINICH: Why didn’t Hannity disclose this on his show?
JAKE TAPPER: (haltingly) Never did he disclose that Michael Cohen had… He had some sort of professional relationship with him. JEFFREY
TOOBIN: That is sort of Journalistic Ethics 101. That if you have some
sort of relationship with someone you’re reporting about, you let your
viewers, your readers know about it.
MATTHEW MILLER: He’s going to have to answer questions about why he didn’t disclose that relationship.
GLORIA BORGER: He’s not really a journalist!
ARI MELBER: He was out there criticizing the DOJ, the FBI raid on
Michael Cohen all the while hiding the fact that he hired Michael Cohen.
JOHN HARWOOD: Obvious conflict for a journalistic organization…
MIKA BRZEZINSKI: Boldface lying to not disclose that he is a third client of Michael Cohen.
RON BROWNSTEIN: The idea that in any normal newsroom you could go on
and do that having this kind of relationship with the person you’re
talking about and not disclose to it your audience, you know, is just
RUSH: Give me a break! This is such rank hypocrisy. That last voice
was Ron Brownstein. The other voice that you might have sat up and noted
was Ari Melber. He said, “He was out there criticizing the DOJ, the FBI
raid on Michael Cohen, all the while hiding the fact that he hired
Michael Cohen.” Okay, let’s go through this. The first voice was Jackie
Kucinich. Not gonna call this a conflict, but you should know that she’s
the daughter of former Democrat congressman Dennis Kucinich. She’s in
the Drive-By Media: The Daily Beast.
Jake Tapper was the next voice. Jake Tapper, 1992 served as campaign
press secretary for Democrat congressional candidate Marjorie
Margolies-Mezvinsky, who is — wait for it — the more than likely of
Chelsea Clinton. In 1997, Jake Tapper was a spokesman for Handgun
Control, a gun-control advocacy group. CNN and Tapper failed to disclose
Tapper’s anti-gun activism in advance of the town hall that he hosted
with the Parkland students. Did any of you know any of this?
Why wasn’t Tapper forced to disclose that he holds an anti-gun bias
while hosting a town hall made up of anti-gun bias? Jeffrey Toobin was
the next voice you heard. Jeffrey Toobin is the son of former NBC News
infobabe Marlene Sanders. Toobin worked for the Iran-Contra special
counsel Lawrence Walsh. Toobin is a lifelong friend of Supreme Court
justice Elena Kagan. And Toobin was a member of the infamous JournoList. JournoList was started by a wunderkind at the Washington Post at the time, Ezra Klein. It was a list.
It was a chat room in a secret enclave of the internet made up of
Washington journalists who strategized each and every day and night on
how to move forward the Democrat Party agenda in their jobs. That’s what
JournoList was. A bunch of… We wonder how these montages we put
together happen with 25 different people saying Dick Cheney brings
“gravitas” to the campaign? Well, one of the ways is they all talk to
each other. JournoList was shut down when it was discovered, but others
have revised elements of it. Toobin
was a member of the JournoList, and it was reported not too long ago
that Toobin had an extramarital affair and a child with a lawyer named
Casey Greenfield who happens to be the daughter of journalist Jeff
Greenfield. Matt Miller. Matt Miller was the voice here who said, “He’s
gonna have to answer questions about why he didn’t disclose the
relationship.” Matthew Miller, Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder’s
spokesman, former communications director for the Democrat Senatorial
Campaign Committee.
He’s also worked for Senator Robert Menendez and the 2004 John Kerry
presidential campaign. How many people watching CNN that know Matt
Miller was Holder’s spokesman, former communications director for the
group that elects Democrats to the Senate and for Robert Menendez
(recently on trial for corruption charges), and worked on the John Kerry
presidential campaign? That’s a lot to disclose. I don’t think Matt
Miller disclosed any of it.
Gloria Borger. She was next. This is not really anything other than
curiously interesting. Her son Evan is married to Mary Anne Huntsman,
daughter of politician Jon Huntsman Jr. Ari Melber. This is the guy
saying, “He was out there criticizing the DOJ, the FBI raid on Michael
Cohen all the while hiding the fact he hired Cohen.” Ari Melber has
worked for Democrat senator Maria Cantwell for John Kerry’s presidential
campaign. He is divorced from fellow reporter Drew Grant, reporter for
the New York Observer.
Has he disclosed his ties to the Democrat Party, to the John Kerry
presidential campaign? Anderson Cooper. He’s a Vanderbilt. His mother
was Gloria Vanderbilt. His father was Wyatt Emory Cooper. Just that he
has links to the elite, of course. Nothing scandalous there. John
Harwood. John Harwood is a noted anti-Trumper and anti-conservative.
He’s been at the New York Times, the Washington… I think the Wall Street
Harwood’s father was a reporter for the Washington Post at age 11.
Harwood appeared in a 1968 RFK for President ad. When WikiLeaks dumped
John Podesta’s emails, John Harwood was all over ’em sucking up to the
Clinton campaign. Mika Brzezinski. She is the daughter of Zbig
Brzezinski, the late Zbigniew Brzezinski, and former national security
adviser for Jimma Carter. She was married to TV news reporter Patrick
Hoffer and is now engaged to Scarborough.
I don’t know if they got married at all. But she didn’t disclose that
she was dating Scarborough while everybody watching the show knew it.
And Ron Brownstein. Ron Brownstein was the last voice you heard. “The
idea that in any normal newsroom you could go on and do that having this
kind of relationship with the person you’re talking about and not
disclose to it your audience, you know, is just extraordinary.”
Brownstein worked for Ralph Nader. Uber-leftist Ralph Nader. His
first wife was Nina Easton of Fortune magazine. Brownstein’s current
wife is Eileen Nicole McMenamin, the former communications director for
Senator John McCain. There’s a whole bunch, and that doesn’t even… We
haven’t even gotten to the conflicts on the Mueller team and at the DOJ
and on the Comey team, and wait ’til you hear those.
BREAK TRANSCRIPT RUSH: How often does ABC News divulge that George Stephanopoulos was a
member of the Bill Clinton war room, among other things designed to
destroy any woman who came forward alleging that Clinton had had an
affair with her or some kind of sexual dalliance, working with James
Carville? I mean, the guy never went to journalism school. He’s not a
journalist. He’s a political activist and consultant disguised as a
journalist. How often does ABC disclose it? F.
Chuck Todd! F. Chuck Todd’s wife is a Democrat activist. He’s the host
of Meet the Press, NBC head honcho. She makes lots of money working on
the Bernie Sanders campaign! Jake Tapper back then, his wife was a
regional field manager for Planned Parenthood, in addition to Jake’s
anti-gun activism. CNN regularly reports on Senator Cory Booker. Do you
know Jeff Zucker, who runs CNN, has a 14-year-old son who was awarded
stock options potentially worth millions from Cory Booker, a United
States senator?
Via connections awarding stock options to Zucker’s 14-year-old kid!
Claire Shipman, senior correspondent ABC News, is married to Jay Carney,
Obama’s White House press secretary and Biden’s before that. Virginia
Moseley, CNN vice president, Washington bureau chief, is married to Tom
Nides, deputy secretary of state under Barack Hussein O. And then there
is David Rhodes and his brother, Ben Rhodes, and that’s relevant as we
get into the Mueller conflict.
RUSH: More than 30 so-called journalists left their profession to go
to work in the Obama administration or on one of his presidential
campaigns, according to the Media Research Center.
That’s Brent Bozell’s invaluable group. More than 30 journalists
eagerly, because they’re all looking at Hannity and his relationship
with Trump and they’re jealous in some ways. They would love to have
been as close to Obama as Hannity apparently is to Trump. They would
have craved it. They would have bragged about it while remaining
journalists at the same time.
Let’s see. Who else. Da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da. Oh, we have
lots. CBS News President David Rhodes. CBS News president David Rhodes
is the brother of Ben Rhodes. Name is spelled R-h-o-d-e-s. Ben Rhodes
was a top foreign policy adviser to Barack Hussein O while his brother
is the president of CBS News.
Ben Rhodes, the brother of the president CBS News, was the man behind
the Benghazi cover-up and the disastrous Iran nuke deal, and it was Ben
Rhodes who often bragged about how easy it was to mislead people,
including the media, into believing the Iran deal was something that it
wasn’t! Well, how hard would it be to deceive the news media when your
own brother runs CBS News?
Martha Raddatz is an infobabe at ABC News. She often serves as a
moderator for presidential debates. She did moderate a Trump debate. I
don’t recall if it was during the primaries or during the presidential
campaign. But she went toe-to-toe with Trump. She fashions herself a
foreign policy expert. She’s a journalist. But she’s tight with the
State Department and foreign policy specialists, because it’s
They all have the same agenda, the same goals where the United States
and the world and global government is concerned. And I remember Martha
Raddatz just giving Trump all kinds of hell based on the fact that in
her mind he was stupid and naive and ignorant, didn’t know what he was
talking about. Because he was criticizing the Obama administration for
announcing days in advance military operations. And Martha Raddatz could
not believe that Trump would dare criticize the great Obama.
And so Martha Raddatz is saying (paraphrasing), “Well, you don’t
understand the way certain things work, Mr. Trump. Maybe they were
psychological ops. Maybe Obama was trying to scare people.”
Trump came back (paraphrasing), “I don’t care. It’s stupid to
announce an actual day you’re gonna do something or a day you’re gonna
leave somewhere.” She was fit to be tied. She was flustered, frustrated,
really, really angry. She couldn’t believe that Trump was actually in a
debate that she was moderating. Well, anyway, Barack Obama attended her
wedding. Yes indeed.
Now, let’s move on to some of the conflicts that we have been advised
of, the things that we’ve learned about the campaign, or I should say
the investigation, the Mueller investigation and the entire DOJ, FBI,
intelligence community, deep state operation to run this silent coup on
Trump based on this bogus allegation that he stole the election working
with the Russians.
In this list of people we’ve got James Comey; we’ve got Andrew
McCabe; we have James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence for
Obama; we got John Brennan, CIA for Obama, who I think is the guy that
ran this whole show, by the way, but that’s a little bit of an aside. We
have Loretta Lynch and her meeting on the tarmac in Phoenix with Bill
Clinton that we were told was just a coincidence.
Yes, ol’ Lorettie arrives, she gotta do something out there, and, lo
and behold, Bill Clinton’s taxiing in. And air traffic control told
Clinton’s crew that Lorettie was on the ground at the FBO. So Bill said
(doing Clinton impression), “Hey, hey, whatever, we’re using that FBO.
Head on over, I need to talk to Loretta, and Loretta got off the plane.
We talked about golf and grandkids, it was a wonderful time.”
Right in the middle of the Hillary Clinton email investigation. None
other than James Comey has said that Loretta Lynch doing this threw a
monkey in the wrench and she should have recused herself and so forth. A
little self-serving. We know of Andrew Weissmann, one of Mueller’s lead
investigators. Bruce and Nellie Ohr, Bruce Ohr, FBI, Nellie Ohr, wife
working at Fusion GPS. Samantha Power, U.N. ambassador for Obama in the
closing days of his administration.
Let’s go through some of the conflict. Imagine this, folks. Ben
Rhodes and David Rhodes, brothers, one of them runs CBS News and one of
them is working to advance Obama’s Iran deal and other foreign policy
things. As Victor Davis Hanson writes,
imagine, “What if both ABC News and CBS News were now running mostly
favorable news accounts about Donald Trump’s administration, rather than
the media’s 90 percent (on average) negative coverage.
An environmental activist and prominent gay and transgender rights attorney committed suicide
by setting himself ablaze in Brooklyn's Prospect Park in a shocking
protest over what he called the Earth's ecological destruction, the New
York Post reported.
With direction from their MASTERS the communist run Media complex, we'll call from here on out the MediaOCRACY
the democrats have over promised and under delivered in such a way...
that Mental Illness is now the normal FOR THE abnormals.
you should not promise what you can't deliver...unDelivered expectations...
and all other abnormals have
convinced the easily convinced that America IS SO BAD....
that it's in
fact illegitimate.
I'm so tired of hearing this fallacy designed
to discourage Patriotism.....
I think it is time to lay out some real
example of just how bad America would be if, in fact, WE WERE as bad as
the abnormals parrot day in and day out...so ...
In an open
source participatory exercise...I'm asking those who wish to add, to
what will be a very complete blog ...of just America WOULD look like if
we were so bad.
I will start.
If America was so bad,...
Slavery would STILL exist ...in all 50 states.
If America was so bad/as evil as the Marxist left claim, Jim Crow would not have been abolished. (lackofknowledgeproductions @gab.com)
If America was so bad...
There would be no native american's left to RUN, OWN and Profit the Casino's that take $$ away from our tax base...
If America was so bad...
there would BE no UNITED Nations in America.....
If America was so bad,
you would never see a liberal black dominated ANYTHING.
If America was so bad\
We would colonize every country in the world....by FORCE....(how many nukes to "you' have?")
If America was so bad,
you would see indefinite sentences jailing any and all that disagree with Patriotic America..
If America was so bad
Would there be any women anywhere IN CHARGE of anything.
If America was so bad...
You would see a cleansing of those unwanteds
If America was so bad
North Korea would be toast and we would be occupiers
If America was so bad
freedom of speech would be given ONLY to the dominant class, party, race, etc....
If America was so bad,
a college education would be limited only to Patriots whose actions prove their patriotism
If America was so bad....
we'd have the family unit that would qualify for advanced tax considerations....
If America was so bad....
Homosexual would be forced to be reEducated or forced to live in camps for the abnormals...
If America was so bad,
there would be only one God allowed to be worshiped.
If America was so bad,
that equal justice under the law would be guaranteed only to the dominant class....
If America was so bad,
No other countries would not be allowed to defend itself....we would occupy every country...in the world
If America was SO bad....I guarantee you we would have no REAL Problems from "being bad."
If we were as bad as evil liberals suggest...wouldn't we just continue to CONQUER the world...?
If America is so bad, why are hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world risking their lives to come here?
If America is so bad, why are all those who hate this country not leaving it?
We gave the Panama Canal to people who didn't build it...BAD us...
We gave INDIAN Casino's take free, nation status,,...BAD us
WE allowed slavery to END at the cost of hundreds of thousands WHITE lives fighting to allow such...bad us...
We allowed those defeated in WAR to KEEP THEIR STUFF...bad us...
WE allow countries to charge more to us to trade than we do them...bad us
we give billions around the whole dam world to people who ...diss
us....not for long....Trump's name is tucker, NOT sucker
Victor Davis Hanson: America does not have to be perfect to be good
(despite what radical progressives tell us)
The summer season has ripped off the thin scab that
covered an American wound, revealing a festering disagreement about the
nature and origins of the United States.
San Francisco Board of Education recently voted to paint over, and thus
destroy, a 1,600-square-foot mural of George Washington’s life in San
Francisco’s George Washington High School.
Arnautoff, a communist Russian-American artist and Stanford University
art professor, had painted “Life of Washington” in 1936, commissioned by
the New Deal’s Works Progress Administration. A community task force
appointed by the school district had recommended that the board address
student and parent objections to the 83-year-old mural, which some
viewed as racist for its depiction of black slaves and Native Americans.
NOW consider target sharing being used identically by Cambridge Analytics....equal justice under the law is being challenged by the actions from the left's communists, liberals and all other abnormals...
Healey To Investigate Cambridge Data Firm Used By Trump Campaign; Former Obama Campaign Staffer Says Facebook “Was On Our Side”
Massachusetts Attorney General Maura
Healey has announced her office is investigating the Cambridge-based
data firm that President Donald Trump’s campaign used to obtain
information on more than 50 million Facebook users, but a former
official who worked during President Barack Obama’s successful 2008 and
2012 campaigns says the Democrats effectively employed the same
Healey on Saturday re-tweeted a New York Times report
outlining how Cambridge Analytica, with the help of a wealthy GOP donor
and the direction of former Trump advisor Steve Bannon, “harvested
private information from the Facebook profiles of more than 50 million
users without their permission.” The Times
report claims the strategy constituted “one of the largest data leaks
in the social network’s history” and “allowed the company to exploit the
private social media activity of a huge swath of the American
electorate.” Healey, in her tweet,
announced her office has launched an investigation and added that
“Massachusetts residents deserve answers immediately from Facebook and
Cambridge Analytica.” An Obama campaign staffer has
claimed, however, that Facebook has been turning a blind eye to this
type of data-harvesting behavior since at least 2012.
Rush Limbaugh Analysis of Facebook, Cambridge Analytica, Voter Data Mining
From mwha....Tony..
Many find it hard to understand what they too often give the benefit of the doubt to...for EVIL is not obvious to those not being on one side or the other OF evil. I know evil, I articulated it and actualized it all too often over 15 years in and out of prison living life on the dark side.....While always having "MY GOOD side" ...was just waiting in the closet for me to wise up!...I did at age 35.....I'm now 67.
Facebook said it has identified several markers of sites that consistently peddle fake news, and it will demote posts from those sites in people’s news feeds. It is also outsourcing the delicate task of determining
whether individual stories are true or false to a few external
organizations and tweaking its news feed algorithm based on their
rulings. It is unusual for Facebook to entrust outsiders with
this much power to influence the way posts are played in the news feed,
the central stream of information that is customized for each user by
Facebook’s algorithm. …
Mr. Zuckerberg initially dismissed concerns over fake news, but later backed away from that stance. Still he remains wary of Facebook becoming the “arbiters of truth” … By drafting the help of a network of fact-checking groups
affiliated with the Poynter Institute, a journalism nonprofit based in
St. Petersburg, Fla., Facebook is seeking to keep the task at arm’s
length. …
(More about Poynter below.)
The fact-checking organizations — Snopes.com, PolitiFact, ABC News, Factcheck.org and the Associated Press —
will sift through the flagged stories to determine if they are fake. It
will be up to those organizations to determine whether or not to
fact-check them. … Facebook’s partnerships immediately sparked questions among
users and conservatives on the neutrality of the fact checkers
themselves. “Fact checkers all seem to be from the left,” said a Twitter
message from the account of Republican strategist Evan Siegfried. “Not
good for conservatives.” … If a fact checker determines articles are untrue, those
stories will appear lower in Facebook’s news feed and publishers can’t
promote them with Facebook ads, the company said. The links will also carry a warning label to indicate that their accuracy is in dispute.
ABC news and the Associated Press (AP) as arbiters of truthful reporting? Orwell, your Ministry of Truth exists, and rules over us! Both are notoriously left-biased. (Read about ABC’s bias here. As for AP – Google “Associated Press misreporting” and see instantly on page one just some of the topics they’ve lied about.)
But wait! Worse is to come.
Aaron Klein writes at Breitbart:
The organization partnered with Facebook to help determine whether a certain story is “disputed” is financed by billionaire George Soros and a slew of other left-wing funders.
The partnering organization is Poynter. It has set up a new subsidiary for this task, the International Fact-Checking Network, and yes, it is funded by George Soros, the ideal man to head Orwell’s Ministry of Truth!
The International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN)
drafted a code of five principles for news websites to accept, and
Facebook yesterday announced it will work with “third-party fact
checking organizations” that are signatories to the code of principles.
Facebook says that if the “fact checking organizations” determine that a certain story is fake, it will get flagged as disputed
and, according to the Facebook announcement, “there will be a link to
the corresponding article explaining why. Stories that have been
disputed may also appear lower in News Feed”.
IFCN is hosted by the Poynter Institute for Media Studies. A cursory search of the Poynter Institute website finds that Poynter’s IFCN is openly funded by Soros’ Open Society Foundations as well as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Google, and the National Endowment for Democracy.
Poynter’s IFCN is also funded by the Omidyar Network, which is the
nonprofit for liberal billionaire eBay founder Pierre Omidyar. The
Omidyar Network has partnered with the [Orwellian-named]Open Society on numerous projects and it has given grants to third parties using the Soros-funded Tides Foundation. Tides is one of the largest donors to left-wing causes in the U.S.
Another significant Poynter Institute donor is the Craig Newmark
Foundation, the charitable organization established by Craigslist
Founder Craig Newmark. On Monday, just days before the announcement of
the Facebook partnership, Poynter issued a press release revealing that
Newmark donated $1 million to the group to fund a faculty chair in
journalism ethics.
States the press release:
The gift will support a five-year program
at Poynter that focuses on verification, fact-checking and
accountability in journalism. It’s the largest donation Poynter’s ever
received from an individual foundation.
The Newmark Chair will expand on
Poynter’s teaching in journalism ethics and develop certification
programs for journalists that commit to ethical decision-making practices. The faculty member will also organize an annual conference on ethics issues at Poynter and be a regular contributor to Poynter.org.
Newmark funds scores of liberal groups also financed by Soros, including the Sierra Club, the New America Foundation, and the Sunlight Foundation.
Newmark also financesthe investigative journalism group called the Center for Public Integrity, where he serves on the board. Soros’s Open Society is another Public Integrity donor.
Soros has earned his megafortune in part by short selling currencies
and causing economic crises. He is credited with breaking the pound on
September 16, 1992 in a day that became known in Britain as “Black
Wednesday.” He reportedly made $1.2 billion from that crisis. In 2002,
he was convicted for insider trading.
And that’s the least of his offenses. See the very long list of the organizations through which he works his evil will, and read what their principles and purposes are.
Poynter, meanwhile, has hosted controversial journalism programs in the past, including one that was accused of downplaying the threat of global Islamic terrorism.
FoxNews.com reported the course suggested reporters “keep the death
toll from Islamic terrorism in ‘context’ by comparing that toll to the
number of people killed every year by malaria, HIV/AIDS and other
It is typical of the Left to compare terrorism to accidents and diseases, as though no moral decision is involved in the committing of random murder. This amounts to a condoning of terrorism, which positively encourages it.
The course taught reporters that the term “jihad”
means internal struggle, and it discussed what it claimed was the issue
of “right-wing activists” attempting to link American Muslims to
As examples of fact-checking, the propagation of such blatant lies does not inspire confidence.
The section includes the good-journalism tip that
reporters should check to see if experts they’re interviewing “have a
bias or a stake in the story you are covering.” But then it only cites examples of anti-Muslim groups.
The course in Islam, Fox News reported, was supported by a group calling itself the Social Science Research Council, which has received funding from Soros-financed groups.
In response to the report, the Poynter Institute explained that it created the course “as a tool for journalists who want to be accurate in educating their audience about the religion and culture of Islam, Muslim communities in the U.S., and the distinctions between Islam as a political movement and the radical philosophies that inspire militant Islamists”.
As there is NO distinction to be drawn between
“Islam as a political movement and the radical philosophies that inspire
militant Islamists”, those journalists who long to achieve strict
accuracy will be teaching a lie from the get-go.
“We believe there is a need to better understand the
complexities of Muslim societies and the online course offered by
Poynter and Washington State University is a vital resource toward that
end,” Poynter added.
“The values underpinning the course are truth, accuracy, independence, fairness, minimizing harm and context — the core journalistic values on which we build all our teaching here at Poynter.”
No one should be surprised at Poynter’s capacity for self-deception. It is what makes Leftism possible.
What of the other “fact-checkers” on which Facebook will rely?
Poynter owns the Tampa Bay Times, and the Tampa Bay Times owns Politifact,
Politifact declares about itself:
PolitiFact is a project of the Tampa Bay Times and its partner news organizations to help you find the truth in American politics. …
Control of the newspaper and its
operations, however, lies with a single executive. Upon retirement, that
leader picks a successor. …
We received a grant from the Democracy Fund that has assisted us in expanding to new states. …
For our PunditFact project — which fact-checks talking heads and opinion leaders – we have received grants from the Ford Foundation and the Democracy Fund. Seed money for the project was provided by craigconnects. …
The Democracy Fund is administered by the iniquitous United Nations. The Ford Foundation funds such causes as Black Live Matter.
When it comes to the question of “Who is PolitiFact?” or “Who pays for PolitiFact?”, we
can assure you that no one is behind the scenes telling us what to
write for someone else’s benefit. We are an independent, nonpartisan
news organization. We are not beholden to any government, political
party or corporate interest. We are proud to be able to say that we are
independent journalists. …
Sorry, but we find that really, really hard to believe.
Then there is Snopes.com. It too is heavily left leaning. (Read about it here and here.)
And what of Factcheck.org?
We quote from (conservative) Free Republic, which investigated it:
The “Truthfulness” website called FactCheck.org is itself decidedly BIASED toward the LEFT …
Among several proofs of this assertion, it cites this:
The sponsoring agency behind FastCheck.org, is itself supported by the same foundation, the ANNENBERG FOUNDATION, that Bill Ayers
secured the 49.2 million dollars from to create the Chicago ANNENBERG
Challenge “philanthropic” organization in which Barack Obama was the
founding Chairman of the Board for and Ayers served as the grant writer
of and co-Chair of for its two operating arms.
That’s Bill Ayers the terrorist. Read here how he and Barack Obama tried to “push radicalism in schools” through the Annenberg Challenge.
Free Republic concludes its report on Factcheck.com with a question: