Thursday, May 3, 2018

The Ten Commandments of LOGIC

The Ten Commandments of Logic....

Most rhetorical cage matches involving "other than" Conservatives...(liberals, progressives, communists and other abnormals) are easily dismissed on their face.  

Intellectual integrity requires a level of virtue that "other thans" simply don't posses. 

Allow me to help you understand how so many arguments from the left violate on or more commandments of logic. 

1. Ad Hominem

2. Straw man Fallacy

3. Hasty Generalization

4. Begging the Question

5.  Post hoc False Cause
thou shall not claim that because something occurred before, it must be the cause

6.  False dichotomy
Thou shalt not reduce the argument down to two possibilities

7. Ad ignorantiam
thou shall not argue that because of our ignorance, claim must be true or false

8. Burden of proof reversal

thou shall not lay the burden of proof onto him that is questioning the claim

9.  Non sequitur
Thou shall not assume "this" follows "that" when it has no logical connection

10.   Bandwagon Fallacy

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