The Genesis of Trump's Sisyphus Effect
1. The #McCarthyError of Anti-Americanism
American Communists.
1A first MADE the Tea Party Happen, The Tea Party's needs and Trump's ability to lead created this Organic process...
2. Deep STATE started it's war on the First Amendment .....
3. TECH Social Media followed along, following their lead,
3A. Helping create TruthSOCIAL
4. Deep State takes STOCK in DJT's personal life...GENERATING popularity for DJT....t
4A. The harder they tried the higher the polls went...
5. Deep State persecutes with coordinated False crimes with IMPOSSIBLE FINES
5A. DJT take Truth Social PUBLIC....8 billion dollars first day...KABOOM...see #sisyphusEFFECT
To understand the #SisypusEffect is to #actually UNDERSTAND Trump's ...on going success.

Great memes from Duck Duck lots of em
The Myth of Liberalism....
Greek Mythology meets Liberal Mythology....
all MYTHS used to direct critical thought....
all MYTHS used to direct critical thought....
Greeks based in truths of natural law....
the Liberals.....the LIES denying Natural
Sisyphus effect Greek Myth affecting LEFTIST abnormals
I have a FRESH thought inspired by this attempt at mine to explain the Sisyphus paradigm my attempt to synthesize all of this I came to realize
Most all Greek and Roman MYTHs....
(I feel, I do NOT know)....
my education lacking in this precise subject....
(correct me if Iam wrong)...
I'm starting to think...
the REALITY of TRUTH needs this
Any thought process determined or based in Natural
LAW a philosophy NOT a myth
Any thought process determined or based in Natural
LAW a philosophy NOT a myth
...someone who did not like NATURAL LAWS....
as liberals often do.....
will disparage the remark with the connotation...
in the negative....FAKE "news"
I say....if a philosophy is based contrary to natural definition IS THE REAL MYTH...
The Myth of Liberalism....Greek Mythology meets Liberal Mythology....
all MYTHS used to direct critical thought....
Greeks based in truths of
natural law....the Liberals.....the LIES denying Natural Laws
Sisyphus effect Greek Myth affecting LEFTIST abnormals
natural law....the Liberals.....the LIES denying Natural Laws
Sisyphus effect Greek Myth affecting LEFTIST abnormals