The Mickey Mouse Club started the ball of "I'm a celebrity too"
Have "YOU" been #popularized /handcuffed psychologically b the pop-CULT-ure
See the Culture of Celebrity...
To be shunned, not accepted in the Pop-Culture world is EVERYTHING....
Imagine being rich, having it easy, enjoy your work as Phil, the golfer, Nicholson and his experiences....\
Imagine however having everything except BEING those who are COOL.
Being Right isn't always Popular (see Republican / Conservative)
Bring Popular isn't always Right....UNLESS you are DemocRAT Perv..
I guess its easier living, lying to yourself than telling the truth to others...go figure..
"We all" wish to be the objective of Pop-Culturalism. The tool of liberalism that seek to unite those who have NOTHING in common.. NOT even the way they think...
But think "the way Liberalism" commands you or be damned....
Pat Krzywicki could
be this or maybe these 'society types' really have no self idenity and
just follow as this is their 'role'. Just an idea to float...
Tony Venuti precisely...been
calling that out for years...when you LACK self image...when you look
up to to NO ONE for you don't know replace with "false"
idols....this acceptance triangulates "who one is".....and you don't
want NOT to be invited to "the party." Salut, Pat...right ON the
to be in the in crowd...being liberal is "in"...after must toe the "liberal line" or be gone...consider one's self..."POPULARIZED
There is no doubt that people in a country like Denmark, at some point in their lives, stand up against this tyranny. But due to the great need for friendship and acceptance, eventually everyone compromises and ultimately succumbs to collectivism.
In fact, being liberated by confidence
A friend asked ...How can the twin CLERICS, Sharpton, and Jackson race baiters, par excellence become so legitimized.
Great question...yes? The answer is rather IN OUR FACE. but since we are all a little affected...we don't see the OBVIOUS. Simply stated...
America has become "popularized."
Dobie Gray, The In Crowd (Shindig) if you are old enough to know....
Many people I encounter...
"How did WE the People GET THIS WAY?"
In the 60's "Nobody is right if everybody's wrong...."...can be turn back around....present day....NOBODY is wrong if everybody's both ways.
I tell them....having circum-navigated the pop-CULTure for better than 50 years....I tell YOU..
Those steps of the yellow brick road that so many of us have followed for three generations.....blinded by started with the Mickey Mouse Club.
Taking star-dom INTO the neighborhood, generation later, into your living rooms,...and finally the third generation INTO our BEDROOMS.
Nothing is SACRED anymore except PerV!....
When Perv becomes NORMALIZED we have MORAL DECAY of Ebola/epic proportions....simple, stupid,...isn't it!
Outside of NOT mentioning Family and Church BEING the enemy of Pop-CULT-ure...
This is......POLITIC America 101...this is a quiver keeper and a MUST SHARE....
If you are critical to todays politics AND you DON'T know about Critical theory and Cultural ONLY "think you know..."....after WILL ...know that YOU KNOW!
Salute and share vigorously.
Origins of "Political Correctness"
To BE Cool.....vs To BE cool by Proxy...
First things need to BE Victim....
Liberal blacks will proclaim...
."you can't sing the blues white have not experienced what WE have...."
How did this begin.....It began in the House of BE VICTIM.
Queen for a Day in the 50's started it all....60 years later...its all about the victim and the guilt one is persuaded to feel for NOT being THE victim.
To be cool become popular in the popCULT one must celebrate THE victim.....or else be riddled with contrived guilt...
remember watching this as a Mother would never do
this....claim to be the bigger victim only to receive a room full of
furniture...a dozen roses..and a walk down the runway with a tiara...Queen for a Day....the long road to making victimization sexy...begins...
to be in the in crowd...being liberal is "in"...after must toe the "liberal line" or be gone...consider one's self..."POPULARIZED
Hollow-wood of Shame.......many stars who have gone DARK....
There is no doubt that people in a country like Denmark, at some point in their lives, stand up against this tyranny. But due to the great need for friendship and acceptance, eventually everyone compromises and ultimately succumbs to collectivism.
In fact, being liberated by confidence
A friend asked ...How can the twin CLERICS, Sharpton, and Jackson race baiters, par excellence become so legitimized.
Great question...yes? The answer is rather IN OUR FACE. but since we are all a little affected...we don't see the OBVIOUS. Simply stated...
America has become "popularized."
Dobie Gray, The In Crowd (Shindig) if you are old enough to know....
Many people I encounter...
"How did WE the People GET THIS WAY?"
In the 60's "Nobody is right if everybody's wrong...."...can be turn back around....present day....NOBODY is wrong if everybody's both ways.
Buffalo Springfield's for What it's Worth.
I tell them....having circum-navigated the pop-CULTure for better than 50 years....I tell YOU..
Those steps of the yellow brick road that so many of us have followed for three generations.....blinded by started with the Mickey Mouse Club.
Taking star-dom INTO the neighborhood, generation later, into your living rooms,...and finally the third generation INTO our BEDROOMS.
Nothing is SACRED anymore except PerV!....
When Perv becomes NORMALIZED we have MORAL DECAY of Ebola/epic proportions....simple, stupid,...isn't it!
Outside of NOT mentioning Family and Church BEING the enemy of Pop-CULT-ure...
This is......POLITIC America 101...this is a quiver keeper and a MUST SHARE....
If you are critical to todays politics AND you DON'T know about Critical theory and Cultural ONLY "think you know..."....after WILL ...know that YOU KNOW!
Salute and share vigorously.
Origins of "Political Correctness"
To BE Cool.....vs To BE cool by Proxy...
First things need to BE Victim....
Liberal blacks will proclaim...
."you can't sing the blues white have not experienced what WE have...."
How did this begin.....It began in the House of BE VICTIM.
Queen for a Day in the 50's started it all....60 years later...its all about the victim and the guilt one is persuaded to feel for NOT being THE victim.
To be cool become popular in the popCULT one must celebrate THE victim.....or else be riddled with contrived guilt...
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Sanction of the Victim |
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The dues you pay is you NEVER bite back those you depend on for your FREE STUFF |
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Queen for a Day....mid 50's early 60's
The Human condition....that built exceptional America....Citizens NEVER Subjects...has been ReConditioned We who allow it, and those who participate IN IT
all are happy they made it as part of the Mickey Mouse - Pop-CULT-re club...
You have been Pop-U-larized.....not to worry....invitations to your sat. cocktail parties abundanza....grande, man... |