Low class (on the dole)...basking in illegal everything.....
Working class...blue collar...little money if any in the bank
Middle Class....two income family perhaps....community college for their children....teachers, nurses, low level professional, wife working or NOT.... - some money in the bank
Upper middle class...professionals, i.e. doctors, attorneys, engineers,...etc....their children have a new car at high school graduation...brand new car every other year....significant money in the bank...wife need not work...
After all of that you get into the rich, the uber rich, and the filthy rich.....rich,rich are you?
Working class...blue collar...little money if any in the bank
Middle Class....two income family perhaps....community college for their children....teachers, nurses, low level professional, wife working or NOT.... - some money in the bank
Upper middle class...professionals, i.e. doctors, attorneys, engineers,...etc....their children have a new car at high school graduation...brand new car every other year....significant money in the bank...wife need not work...
After all of that you get into the rich, the uber rich, and the filthy rich.....rich,rich are you?
60 Facts That Prove The American Middle Class Is Being Wiped Out
Expanding the Middle Class? or
Blending the Middle Class with the Lower Class?
...this way...the perception of those who see themselves as victims....don't find it easier to get by,...
they just enjoy the company of those "coming down" to join them in the lower class....Making the Low class Happier that those "rich people" finally joining them in "success."
This is the Plan of Obama....
#1 According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the middle class is taking home a smaller share of the overall income pie than has ever been recorded before.
#2 As the middle class shrinks, more Americans than ever have been forced to become dependent on the federal government. Federal spending on welfare programs has reached nearly a trillion dollars a year, and that does not even count Social Security or Medicare. Welfare spending is now 16 times larger than when the “war on poverty” began.
#3 Median household income in the U.S. has fallen for four consecutive years. Overall, it has declined by over $4000 during that time span.
Read more at The Daily Sheeple. By Michael Snyder.