Saturday, September 27, 2014

Black Power is Islamism - The Venuti Theorem - the Prison training ground.

Black Power is Islamism - The Venuti Theorem - the Prison training ground.
GhettoCrats never wished to assimilate....Islamist same way...anti-American on its face

Jailed jihadis are forcing other inmates to convert to Islam, beating those who don’t comply

The Saudís also have a special program aimed at converting blacks in prison. In a well-documented June 2002 article in the Washington Times, Cal Thomas noted that the program is funded by Saudi Arabian money through the National Islamic Prison Foundation, which underwrites a “prison outreach” program designed to convert large numbers of African-American inmates not only to Wahhabism, but to its political objectives — including virulent anti-Americanism.

The Wall Street Journal (February 5, 2003) also confirmed that Wahhabism is making serious inroads into the black population of American prisons. It quoted a New York-based Wahhabi imam, Warith Deen Umar (who until his retirement in 2000 helped run New York’s growing Islamic prison program by recruiting and training dozens of chaplains and ministering to thousands of inmates himself), as saying:

Agree?   Prisons in America....Muslim training ground. FACT....everywhere ....
#LIBERALblackSHAME + #LiberalWHITEguilt = #AntifaDomesticTerroristscaption

Black Power IS Islamism.....  #blackpower #islamism

The Venuti Theorum

Black America, Black Democrats/Communists IS ISLAM...

AntiWhite Mentality Explained-great clip

Black Power is Islamism....the Prison Islamic training ground.....

my first experience ...1971...12 prisons later...through 1985...I saw it everywhere.. 
they used, food, clothing, and other "lifestyle" changes in the name of "islam" to make them more comfortable...
others saw it...and the race was off....
many conversions to aid and comfort while IN PRISON>

Been watching since "71" while in Prison....and through to many Black Prisoners converted to Muslim "religion"....I saw this coming.....

Obama 2012: ‘The Future Must Not Belong To Those Who Slander The Prophet of Islam- Video clip.

they will be the ARMY within.....
When you hear Black Liberation Theology...think Islam and see if you can see what I see...
Imagine the Prisons...TODAY...if what I saw 30 years ago is any indication. 
 Trust me....we are TOAST if we do not confront, and stop sweeping under the rug....the rain of terror that is pouring down upon us.  Raincoats, Umbrellas...AIN'T working.....

Another example is the prevalence of Muslims getting tattoos while in prison and having those tattoos sometimes incorporate Islamic themes or Arabic calligraphy.  While some Muslims simply disregard the Islamic prohibition of tattoos, others justify the practice citing that the Hadith forbidding the practice only spoke of “women who tattoo” and thus men who tattoo are exempt.  This interpretation can only be perpetuated when there is a lack of proper Islamic scholarship available to the Muslims in prison.  I must stress though, that these examples are to show what happens in isolated incidents due to a lack of knowledge and it is by no means the status quo of Muslims in prison.  There are many stories of prisoners being upstanding members of their communities, both inside the prisons and out.

Another example is the prevalence of Muslims getting tattoos while in prison and having those tattoos sometimes incorporate Islamic themes or Arabic calligraphy.