Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Why don't we do it in the road...Liberals Sensuality over REASON....

The problem with "nice" people....is that FEELINGS trump REASON.

"you'll do dam what you FEEL like doing".....vs...via Moral Compass....

Should I do what I feel like doing....NO....lets NOT consider "should."

Like Animals liberals promote ones primitive sexual/sensual nature ...OVER what you should...
a BEATLE parody on why we should do it in the road...err shouldn't..

The enlightened person, even civilized is OF the mind.....but NOT in LIBERALISM...body/desires trumps mind/reason.

ON PURPOSE....to gain control and do dam well what one pleases...as EVIL then RULES supreme.....

How DARE you "judge me" I AIN'T judging...wITCH....I am Assessing...
meta-cognition vs...pure stupidity....known as Liberalism....

Why don't we do it in the road....as The Beatles song goes...no one will be watching us...why don't we do IT IN THE ROAD.

social media puts a pin hole in that balloon...

a BEATLE parody on why we should do it in the road...err shouldn't..


The Genesis of Liberalism DEFINED by Pop-Culture...

I do believe Liberals are simply those bad folk who wish to do as they wish with no Moral imperative. 

To accomplish 6 becoming 9 one has to gain POWER from those whose  "plastic fingers wave at me" frustrating my desire  to hang my "freak flag high"...

I, then must be the ONE to be IN Power...
so that I....can the my life...the "Way I want to."

and this is done by Robin Hood....stealing from the rich to give to the poor....Santa Claus...nothin....!!  Milton Friedman on the "Robin Hood Myth."


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