Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Trump DOING to RINO's what RINO's have DONE to We the People...I AM the 3rd default

Trump doing to RINOs what RINOs have done to WE the People...

Trump is doing to Republicans...what republicans have done to "we the people".

If Republicans can act like democrats while "being" republicans.....

Trump can act as the second party candidate while actually being the third party candidate.......seems ONLY fair...

We don't need a third Party I AM THE THIRD PARTY

Pundits speaking..."Trump"...he's an abnormally"...He's ...well TRUMP.

the continue..."well...he'll maybe run a third party campaign"....

Ready for this...

Trump refusing to pledge NOT to run a 3rd part

Trump IS THE third default....

Trump, explaining the Leverage of the "3rd party" question

From a "jack" to a to speak...GO Trump GO...for America's We the People vs RINO's

From a "Jack to a King"...

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