Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Obama's World-Wide Caliphate....suckers...in plain sight...under cover of media darkness

When you accept this AS Truth...all things MYSTERY disappear...NOT a MYSTERY anymore.

Assume that we are on the mark here

....Assume I am right....now ...
you might be able to see how it all adds up. 

 "How can he be this stupid?" you hear often....

"What's his motivation...is it his ideology..all the ones that essentially forgives Obama....for fear of the RACE CARD.

What is obvious to too many who have no voice.  Everything adds up..."Dreams of My Father"...all of it...

Essentially its EVERYTHING Joe McCarthy warned us about.  Infiltrated first and foremost via Hollywood, the Media. 
The Meek shall inherit the EARTH is a MYTH..
to this day ..Pundits speak around this very notion..
the PopCULT...is Liberalism.


Let them think you are stupid.  

Never admit to anything EVER....



Obama..."I will stand by Muslims"...

Fundamental Change, fools, I told you ....even wrote about it..

The Caliphate could NOT happen with the Complicit Media
Marxism via the PopCULT-ure owning Hollywood and the Media...shaping "reality" into the Left's perception of REALITY.

All that "mcCarthyism represented in the Media AS A LIE....has proven to be 100% accurate
