President Trump's popCULTure appeal Trumps the Media's relevancy....
WASHINGTON, Aug. 18, 2016 — Donald Trump faces concerted opposition in his race for the presidency. It comes not just from Democrats, but even from some establishment Republicans. With the media, they portray Trump as a man completely unfit to be president.
If Trump wins, he will have slain a Goliath.
It is difficult to see how Hillary Clinton could win this election. Aside from her perceived untrustworthiness and high negatives, her policies are not favored by most Americans. Her best chance to win is for Trump to lose. The attacks on Trump’s fitness are precisely what she needs. Clinton and the mainstream media that support her consistently paint Trump as a bigot, a racist and a misogynist.
It is unheard of for much of a candidate’s own party to oppose him. But many Republicans not only don’t support Trump, they are actively campaigning against him. Establishment Republicans have accepted the claim that Trump is unfit to be president.

We the People have effectively been SILENCED by the National Media. As McCarthy warned us of, and AS the Venona papers later proved positive....Communist in the state department did exist. The usurpation of our IDEOLOGY within the Universities and permeated our POP suprise...the popCULT was HOW it was done. To pervert what is normal and good, and to make PERVERSION the new NORMAL
McCarthy Error
....the Death of intended...critical mass achieved..time to pack the white house with communists..who now OWN the Media.....
All that Joe WARNED us of is happening in REAL TIME as we speak. #joemccarthyERROR
It's about time we let them know we know....ever wonder why we don't hear much about the attempt and the success of "getting a fox in the hen err, white house....
Virtue has NO chance against EVIl with hands (rules not followed) behind their back.
The USA Usurped....the Obama Error...2008-2016
Joe McCarthy warned us in the 50's.....
HE was vilified died and was ridiculed...
and in 1990...vindicated via Vernona Papers
....rose from the Lies
Anti-War Generation-ists > Anti-National Security = Anti - American-ists...quite simple, stupid.
Those radicals FROM the 60's......NOW in the WHITE HOUSE.....dismantling one stone at a time....that which they protested back when......
a friends comment.
Michael Geremia RE: radicals from the 60's--the draft dodgers and anti-war protestors and professional students all became university professors and for the last 45 years have brainwashed thousands of college student and infected them with socialism.....these college kids then went into the MEDIA, the legal profession, politics, education, the entertainment industry and government jobs........thus we have the present day mess they have made in America...
Posted on FB 11/6/2014
The beginning to the End? Did we plug the whole or just delay the execution?
Joe McCarhy ERROR #joemccarthy #mccarthyera #rino
Eisenhower though this GOOD JOE under the buss...
from the link.
Senator Joseph McCarthy did not create the national obsession with communist subversion.
It had arisen in the late 1930s, years before McCarthy had come to public notice.
Angry that they had been barred from the corridors of power for 20 years, conservative Republicans used everything they could to discredit the Roosevelt and Truman administrations.
Opponents of the New Deal were not always scrupulously careful to distinguish between liberals and Communists and used anti-communism as a way to attack labor unions and liberal social programs.
In fact, most liberals did not deny the threat of domestic and global communism. Most adopted a staunchly anti-communist stance from the middle 1940s onward.
Labor leader Walter Reuther employed stern measures to purge Communists from the CIO in the 1940s. And even the perennial Socialist Party presidential candidate, Norman Thomas, supported efforts to ban Communists from teaching positions on grounds that they had surrendered their right to academic freedom through subservience to Moscow.
The Hatch Act of 1938 made membership into the Communist Party grounds for refusal of federal employment.
That same year, the House of Representatives established the House Committee on Un-American Activities to investigate communist and fascist subversion.
Two years later, the Smith Act made it a federal offense to advocate the violent overthrow of the government.
In 1949, under the Smith Act, eleven top U.S. Communists were sent to prison for up to five years.
Investigations by executive agencies into the loyalty of federal employees began as early as 1941. In 1947, the first general loyalty program was established by executive order. Executive Order 9835, signed in 1947 by President Truman, called for a loyalty investigation of all federal employees.
Truman hoped that these investigations would help to rally public opinion behind his Cold War policies, while quieting those on the right who thought that the Democrats were soft on Communism. Of the three million government employees who were investigated, 308 were fired as security risks.
If the president had thought that his investigation would end the call to rid government of subversive influences, he was wrong.
Accusations that a former high state department official named Alger Hiss had passed classified documents to Soviet agents fueled fears of subversion.
a response from a discerned comment (John Austin The people said that the committee violated constitutional rights... Not my thoughts but,,,,....
1 hr · Like · 1)
it was disproven....venona papers....the dick act was in existence...I don't know OF a court opinion that said stayed in the political realm via the media's ...taking him down.....and now look at the media...more powerful than politicians....who thanks who for showing up on tv....."thanks for having me" should be...(from the media) thank you for coming....(from politician) you're welcome...NOT the other way around...MEDIA 4 billion dollars 80% probably AT LEAST went right into...who controls the "programming"
(for full article see link
Earlier this month, in response to a question from the audience at a presentation at the National Archives on the Rosenbergs, Klehr, as noted, gave to McCarthy the "larger point" since, as Klehr explained, "the US government had been severely infiltrated by Soviet spies." But alas: "He [McCarthy] was wrong about most of the details. Of the people McCarthy named, several of them we now know were Soviet spies from Vassiliev and Venona and so on."
"Several"? That's not very many. It's also not correct.
Writing at Breitbart in January 2014, M. Stanton Evans elaborated on, and, more relevant, quantified McCarthy's efforts to identify Communists inside the federal government. His piece was partly inspired by seemingly endless ad hominem attacks on me as "McCarthy's Heiress" for having written American Betrayal. (I do take the title as a compliment, but it was not meant that way.)
In his piece titled "McCarthyism by the Numbers," Evans writes:
As is well-known, “McCarthyism” was an
alleged focus of political evil in the 1950s: accusations of Communist
taint, without any factual basis; bogus “lists” of supposed Communists
who never existed; failure in the end to produce even one provable
Communist or Soviet agent, despite his myriad charges of subversion.
Or, according to Klehr, "several."
Such is the standard image of
“McCarthyism” set forth in all the usual histories and media treatments
of the era. Such is the image relied on by the critics of Ms. West to
discredit her book and dismiss her as a crackpot and “conspiracy
theorist.” By arguing that pro-Red elements in our government exerted
baleful influence on US policy to suit the aims of Moscow, it is said,
she becomes “McCarthy’s heiress,” reprising the evils of the fifties.
All of which, from my standpoint, has one
beneficial feature–though it doesn’t make things less unpleasant for
Ms. West. It pushes the issue of McCarthy and McCarthyism to the
forefront, where it ought to be, and where it is now possible to view
his cases in ways not feasible years ago when the relevant data were not
open to the public.
Even today, there is much that we don’t
know–documents that have vanished, ancient records still being censored,
deceptions still in circulation. However, there is also a good deal of
information available for those who care to view it: sizable tranches of
McCarthy’s papers, and those of his opponents; reams of formerly
confidential data from the FBI; thousands of pages of hearing
transcripts and archives of his committee and other panels of the
Congress; intercepted Soviet communications and revelations from Cold
War defectors; and so on.
Looking at this mass of materials
and matching them up with McCarthy’s cases, the main thing to be noted
is a recurring pattern of verification. Time and again, we see
the suspects named by McCarthy and/or his committee–treated at the time
as hapless victims–revealed in official records as what McCarthy and
company said they were–except, in the typical instance, a good deal more
The accompanying table provides a sampler
of some of the suspects named by McCarthy, his aides, or in his
committee hearings, and reflects what is now known about them, based on
official records (some of it was known even then but ignored or
Suspects named by McCarthy, his
aides, or before his committee; identified in sworn testimony, FBI
archives, or other official security records as Communists or Soviet
agents; or took the Fifth Amendment when asked about such matters.
1 .Adler, Solomon | 26. Levitsky, Joseph * |
2. Aronson, James * | 27. Lovell, Leander |
3. Barr, Joel | 28. Mandel, William * |
4. Belfrage, Cedric * | 29. Miller, Robert |
5. Bisson, T.A. | 30. Mins, Leonard * |
6. Carlisle, Lois | 31. Moore (Gelfan), Harriet * |
7. Chew Hong | 32. Moss, Annie L. |
8. Chi Chao-ting | 33. Neumann, Franz |
9. Coe, V. Frank * | 34. Older, Andrew |
10. Coleman, Aaron | 35. Peress, Irving * |
11. Currie, Lauchlin | 36. Posniak, Edward |
12. Dolivet, Louis | 37. Post, Richard |
13. Duran, Gustavo | 38. Remington, William |
14. Field, Frederick | 39. Rosinger, Lawrence * |
15. Glasser, Harold * | 40. Rothschild, Edward * |
16. Graze, Gerald | 41. Sarant, Alfred |
17. Graze, Stanley | 42. Smedley, Agnes |
18. Hanson, Haldore | 43. Snyder, Samuel * |
19. Henderson, Donald * | 44. Stein, Guenther |
20. Hyman, Harry * | 45. Stern, Bernhard * |
21. Jaffe, Philip | 46. Taylor, William H. |
22. Karr, David | 47. Ullmann, Marcel * |
23. Keeney, Mary Jane | 48. Wales, Nym |
24. Lattimore, Owen | 49. Weintraub, David |
25. Levine, Ruth * | 50. Weltfish, Gene * |
*Took Fifth Amendment as to Communist/ Soviet activity-affiliation
Solomon Adler, Chi Chao ting and V.
Frank Coe would all abscond to Communist China. Joel Barr and Alfred
Sarant, members of the Rosenberg spy ring who worked at Fort Monmouth
and related commercial labs in the 1940s, would flee to the Soviet bloc
before the McCarthy Monmouth hearings started. Philip Jaffe would
self-identify as a Communist in his memoirs.
Evans continues:FYI..Anti-war students of the 60's, now in power throughout Gov't, Univ, Environment
How Communism's Dialetic what an article
The first feature of Dialectic thought is
change, and then that change results in progress. But, progress to a
Communist is uniquely different; it is a resolute forward advance
followed by an abrupt turn and retreat. Having retreated a distance
there is another turn and advance and it is through these series of
forward-backward steps the Communist goal is approached. Lenin wrote the
textbook, One Step Forward, Two Steps Back and Chinese Communist
schoolchildren are taught to do the dialectical march taking three steps
forward and two steps back. If we naively judge where the communists
are going by the direction in which they are moving, we will be
A good example of dialectic deception is
demonstrated in Communist led Russia today; divorce is discouraged and
puritanic morals are encouraged! They are strengthening the family in
every way even though their ultimate goal is to abolish the family! But,
they cannot abolish the family until they have changed human nature,
and they cannot change human nature until they control the environment
that generates human nature, and they cannot totally control the
environment until they have conquered the world and destroyed the
present environment, and they cannot conquer the world unless they
develop a more courageous, more patriotic, more nationalistic people
than their enemy!
The same Russian Dialectic theory
applies to religion. The ultimate goal of Communism is the abolition of
all religion. Lenin says, “Atheism is a natural and inseparable portion
of Marxism,” however, in some states under Communist rule, religion is
being patronized and encouraged because religion constitutes a force
that moves to action a certain segment of the community, and Communism
utilizes those existing forces! Religion, therefore, must be utilized to
advance the final goal of Communism… which is world conquest!
As Khrushchev said to the French
Socialists: “Some of our comrades are atheists in the Party and
believers at home.” One Communist, then, may be instructed to join the
Catholic Church. He is told to be baptized, to believe everything he has
to believe, to be the very finest Catholic imaginable and to secure
influence in Catholic organizations. He will then have opportunity to
influence Catholic organizations in a program which may appear to be
completely unrelated to communism but which may be important to their
dialectical advance. Similarly, Communists are told to join various
Protestant churches. Again they are to be fervently Protestant, orthodox
to the core, ardent in spirit, and industrious in the program of that
church. At the appropriate time, they too will be able to influence
various church members and organizations for the Communist cause. Yes,
many churches have failed us and radical churches have infiltrated America!
The final feature of the Communist
dialectic is the role of conflict in the process of change. According to
the dialectic, the driving force in any situation is the conflict of
two opposing forces. Dividing people into hostile classes glorifies the
struggle between them in the hope that the result will be good for the
Communist party. Obama’s racist agenda and upcoming Jade Helm 15 exercises, an acronym for “Joint
Assistant For Development and Execution” “Homeland Eradication of Local
Militants”in 2015, just may be the rehearsal that eventually ushers in a
“struggle” and in time the final Communist takeover of America.
Remember Obama’s whisper into Russian President Medvedev’s ear…that he would be more flexible after his election? Bet Raul Castro is still chuckling under his breath.
Obama is a sleeper agent for world Communism and as Louis Farrahkan stated, Obama “was selected before he was elected.”
The following telling video, is from an interview with Tom Fife, a
physicist and U.S. government contractor who claims that in 1992 while
visiting Moscow, a woman with undying allegiance to Soviet Communism
(the Soviet Union had recently collapsed on December 31, 1991) told him
that a black man named Barack, born of a white American woman and an
African male, was being groomed by Communists to be, and would be
elected, President of the United States.
You may start the video at the 5:00
minute mark to eliminate advertisements and Tom Fife’s interview ends at
the 43:00 minute mark. The rest of the video describes a chance meeting
with revolutionary Communist Bill Ayers who claims Michelle Obama asked
him to write “Dreams of My Father” the autobiographical book Obama is
said to have written.
In Matthew 16:1-3, Jesus scolded those who could not discern the times. Will we ignore the signs?Eisenhower through the Good Joe Under the bus
Dear President Eisenhower — Some of us miss you … or never really knew you but in hindsight wish you were among us today
I was born the year that Eisenhower was elected to his second term. I have no personal memories of him.Yet we live in a time where there are those that want to take our country back … back to what I’m not exactly sure. Neither are they so sure, although they sound loud and furious about taking us back to America before the 1960s. That would be Eisenhower’s era.
Eisenhower today would undoubtedly be pilloried as a soft, mushy RINO today … probably declared to be both a socialist and a leftist. He may even be blamed for ruining Richard Nixon’s mind — it was Nixon, Eisenhower’s vice president, that proposed universal national health coverage for all.
Almost everyone has read or heard Eisenhower’s warning about the emerging military-industrial complex but here are some Eisenhower thoughts that you may not have heard:
“I hate war as only a soldier who has lived it can, only as one who has seen its brutality, its stupidity.”
“Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes you can do these things. … Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or business man from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid.”
“Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionaries and rebels—men and women who dared to dissent from accepted doctrine. As their heirs, may we never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion. ”
“Un-American activity cannot be prevented or routed out by employing un-American methods; to preserve freedom we must use the tools that freedom provides.”
![]() |
A RINO unlike any other |
The quote in the photo is a shortened version of what he really said in a speech before the American Society of Newspaper Editors, April 16, 1953:
“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities. It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population. It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals. It is some fifty miles of concrete pavement. We pay for a single fighter plane with a half million bushels of wheat. We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people. This is, I repeat, the best way of life to be found on the road the world has been taking. This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron. … Is there no other way the world may live?”Why I miss Eisenhower, and why we should all miss Eisenhower, is his plain-spoken common sense. His lack of hate and anger and desire to demonize his fellow Americans is much needed today.
Thank you Mr. President for warning us. I guess that there was just no profit in heeding your warnings.
BTW — thank you also for running for president back in 1952. Most folks don’t know it but you didn’t want to be president. You had to be cajoled into it. The reason you gave for finally running is that the argument over communism was tearing our country apart. The McCarthyites were roaming the land in search of scapegoats. Thank you for stepping forward and bringing some sanity with you.
Tony's ExCONservative Radio Hour "Only a CON knows A con!
Cultural Marxism the Destruction of America...