Thursday, December 8, 2016

Trumps contrasting Cabinet - Performers over Image "makers"

 Cabinet Picks articulating in action what contrasts CommunistLiberals from Capitalist/Conservatives

Those who DO, like to hang out with those who have DONE what few others have done.

Businessmen & Military =Those who DO&talk AFTER its DONE=Substance

Politicians = Those who TALK as if they DO! = IMAGE

One is a positive charge to the universe
The OTHER is a negative force on the universe.

The ONE thing that FRIGHTENS those who are Image makers IS Performers DOING what imageMakers CAN'T!

#landOFmore #landOFnotENOUGH #landOFjustENOUGH

A Cabinet of generals? Trump's choices get mixed reviews

Associated Press
Retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn will serve as the president's national security adviser, and Trump announced retired Marine four-star Gen. James Mattis Thursday night as his secretary of defense. In addition, retired Marine Gen. John Kelly is a likely pick to head the Department of Homeland Security.


Works great for saps, suckers and sissies...

ONE can only ignore TRUTH, Justice and the American way for so long....

Builders of STUFF...

Tell YOU what THEY will do...then DO it...then SHOW you they DID IT...

Builders of IMAGE....tell YOU (A)what they did Yesterday....((B)what they will do Tomorrow....

and what they are doing today is to repeat A and B...

What GOES around comes back around......


Builders of STUFF...

Tell YOU what you will do...then DO it...then SHOW them you did it...

Builders of IMAGE....tell YOU what they did Yesterday....what they will do T0omorrow....and what they are doing today is repeat a and b

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