Friday, September 21, 2018

Critical Theory, the left's 100+ year DESIGN to break down and replace family

@1:00 in...two countries now...via Cultural Marxism...traditionalist now the counter culture... 1. Cultural, moral, religious revolution militant secularism....minute 1:00 morphed into universities

a 90 minute clip...I have it broken down in part....GREAT STUFF....advanced degree kind of stuff

@1:00 in...two countries now...via Cultural Marxism...traditionalist now the counter culture...

1. Cultural, moral, religious revolution militant secularism....minute 1:00 morphed into universities .

@2:30 Cultural Marxism...what is....described ...

@5:00 Antonio Gremsci....Prison Notebooks....the 2nd step
...the long march through the institutions...hollywood, universities,
seminaries, churches, media...create anti christian culture...

@7:00 brainwashed into the door to socialism...success of cultural marxism means the demise of constitution..

@8:00 Frankfurt School...the genesis  Cultural Terrorism,,..all things antithetical to Christianity, basis for the sexual revolution.

11:00 Prison notebooks, Antonio Gramsci taking out the Church & Capitalism...

(CHURCH GAVE UP in the mid 60's internal collapse)

cut the roots, change the culture, a large march is necessary to march through the institutions.

@14:00 collectivism, creating the disbelief in what WAS
traditional will cause instincts to gravitate TO government..or FORCED
coercion those that are brainwashed enough..FREEDOM vs COERCION

Critical Theory, challenge all preconceived
standards...abe lincoln was honest....founders believed in
freedom....negative bring it out...."white men killed the indians, " god
 is dead'....change the consciousness

@17:00 targeting the family unit....wonderful explanations

@19:00 Cultural Pessimism- Supreme court has usurped the power from the Constitution..our you

@22:00 Communism...WHAT is it...The state owns the means of production...Socialism....State owns the FRUITS of productions, i.e. revenues, etc....> taxes

  Describes well the financial system and how it interacts in a socialism or capital society...


@25:00 the Welfare state ---creating 80% of existing gov't

@28:00 term limits...describing how the system is corrupted due
to NO term limits.....two parties only makes it ripe for
collusion...bribery, fraud.....regular course of business.. VIRTUOUS
citizenry absolutely necessary...> the middle class

@30:00...the crest of the bell curve is the middle class and is what the founders saw in original intent...was the middle class....

@33:00 50% of all workers work in gov;t..destroy the family unit

@34:00  Androgyny making mother and father the same...start by
invalidating...cultural pessimism...instill Cultural
Pessimism...invalidating the male component in the family unit.. and
alsoi invalidate the mother...rises to a pessissmistic attitude toward
the family unit...infuses into the culture...

@35:00 Divorce is understandable AND default
insurance, breaking this  put a lot of other businesses in
business.....making money off the disillusionment of two new
family homes established..creating division ....with mother and being the candy man, the other the bad guy...err
mother...spoiling children...alll the unintended consequences...

@39:00 Movies Hollywood lust, sex...all is ok..a license selfishness opposed to responsibility vs critical theory

  MOVIE REQUIREMENTS post 60's were as follows

a. The protagonist and or the antagonist are divorced.

b  The female is dominant, violent, controlling and/or one up on men

c.  The male is aloof, the female is over sensitive and/or cheating

d  Somewhere in the family, at least one member is a lesbian, bi-sexual or or a woman liber.

@40:00 Same sex marriage

@42:00 the demise of Rome...bread & circuses...or social
security...."General Welfare" and our founders INTENT...debated for so
long....founders the gov't license....poor, sick and
unfortunate...examples of societies ...several mercies..feed hungry, give
 drink, welcome stranger and so on..

The Constitution means what it is intended to mean  Original INTENT, without it..we have NO constitution...

@46:00 General welfare, NOT welfare IN general..
 .monetizing debt...inflation...diluting the money  the hidden tax of inflation

@49:00 the banking ...vs gold, silver and more....Monetizing Debt...abolishing the federal reserve system  Fiat money abused by congress...would bring many to rebellion if understood.

@52:00 the application of force....Where does congress get the authority to delegate authority to the President....NOT original intent?  Congress to DECLARE war!  Militia....and more....key structural element