Wednesday, January 27, 2021

The post election TWITTER purge.....BOTs or NOT?

 We have all been affected by thousands upon thousands or our followers, seemingly overnight,.... poof...gone....

Many of us have no clue, not even a guess ...but....I recall listening to Rush Limbaugh

Here's what he said about the "Stop Rush" movement..

And I’m looking at this story, and I’m literally having conniptions, because this has been a practice on Twitter for at least 50 — well, 10 years. I’ve told you about the Stop Rush movement. We identified it. You know, I say something controversial here and all of a sudden there’s this massive sponsor boycott underway. Well, rather than sit there and deal with it, we wanted to find out where this was coming from because we’re talking to advertisers and they are being flooded with emails from people claiming they’re never gonna patronize the business ever again, and they’re scared to death.

So we found out the Stop Rush movement — I’m gonna spare you six months of investigation time — we found out that this movement was 10 people. Many of them were retired university professors. They span the country. They’re from Camarillo, California, all the way to Boston. They were working with Twitter. And the upshot of it was is that they were able to make themselves appear to be hundreds of thousands of people by creating bots that would then generate what was in effect a form email that was sent to any business plugged into the algorithm by these people.

And we looked at it, we studied it, and we found out who the 10 people were and what their animus toward me was. And we then took the evidence to advertisers. And I remember telling people, “Why would you do that, wuh wuh?” Well, because, we’re trying to educate them that what they’re hearing isn’t true. There aren’t hundreds of thousands of people offended. There aren’t millions of people outraged. There’s 10! And they’re making it up and they’re creating it. It’s all phony!