Friday, February 12, 2021

Remembering WHEN...That was THEN....just don't FORGET....the MEMORIES of a JUST America

           Remember when GROWN UPS seemed Glamorous?

             When People said THANK YOU and PLEASE

      When MOMS called their kids in for SUPPER at dusk?

                  When DOWNTOWN seemed so far away?

 When Drugstores had FOUNTAINS most kids had a BIKE and had a wish for each star?

When you read COMIC BOOKS by the ton and never owned a pedigree dog?

                         When you bought PENNY CANDY

   When you played buck buck how many fingers do U have up?
These are only SOME of the MANY things....growing up in 50's and 60's were the BEST time EVER!   Do you have some other great examples...add them in comments and I will review and include....

Baby Boomers and their spoiled children....UPSIDE down AmeriKaKa

FIRST...Baby Boomers 50% became anti-American...
when their parents proclaimed proudly..."I spoil my children"....(cause we work two jobs and place our children 2nd)

SECOND.. CHILDREN of baby boomers....generation...

75% anti-american- PopCULT has now overcome traditional american culture....

turning Nature against We the People.

We are now in a Tug of War....of the "minds"....

On the side of EVIL
a. Media..
b. Democrat Party..
c. Establishment, elites Republicans...
d. Hollywood
e. Universities, Dept. of Education....
f. Deep State..
g. Environmental movement (communists place holder)

On the side of Virtue....
We the People
President Trump...