Wednesday, February 1, 2017

TrumPUBLICAN Party and HypoCritical Party...the NEWS two party paradigm- Good Cop, Bad Cop...




TrumPublicans will dominate the political landscape for well over thirty years.

To control the narrative you first have to define the terms.  The Liberals dominated since 60's by being the FIRST to define Terms...

The dominant left took their social agenda..and turned the word homosexual to longer sounding like what it is....hmm 
The liberal left co-opted the word diversity instead of RACE....sounds so profound until you realize it IS antithetical to the sharing of ideas.  Just ask them about diversity of ideas....forget about it...

Now that it is our turn to return to We the People the dominant position that our founders framed quite succinctly in the founding papers..

With this mind, and with the understanding that the political eilites and the media control the horizontal...control the narrative...until ....Along came Trump.....

The third party that isn't...

The TrumPublican Party with the opposition party, to include who their partners ARE the legacy media appropriately renamed 
The Hypocritical Party

The Paradigm has been upside down for 50 years....Art no longer imitating LIFE....pervs #powerOFsuggestion allow for ART to redefine LIFE...

When you BOO must find OTHERS to worship....
Three times they booed...

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