Is the question of the media...BIAS? or is the actual question....#mediaCORRUPTION #picketmedia
MediaOcracy, State-run Media exposed a fullfledged PARTNER
15 YEARS in an out of a dozen Prisons....I KNOW just how evil Rolls.....
Archived broadcast.
The #1 Enemy is the ENGINE that DRIVES our Culture....Period...
#picketmedia Picket the Media - to The Power of Ten
The #1 Enemy is the ENGINE that DRIVES our Culture....Period...
#picketmedia Picket the Media - to The Power of Ten
Think about Corporate America OWNs Main/Lame/Blamestream Media….
The indoctrination of our children via SCHOOLbooks inbedded into our
nationwide school system is the "Canary in the Mine Shaft" of what Obama, and the Avatar within, is making the play for RE-Engineering of America….in Obama's OWN words...
CHANGE>REFORM>…and they almost got us..
The structure of this new government trying to take shape is as follows
MediaOcracy, one that is governed silently by Wall Street/Corporate
America, administered by the Media, supported by celebrity culture and
pushed forward by our Politicians who could care less, as long as they
are in charge and with power suitable for them to look the “other way.”
Wall Street, with their Lobbyists
Corporate America, with their Attorneys
Advertising Agencies
Advertising Agencies
Unions, and Special Interest Groups allow fodor for politician’s false
agenda in behalf of the the Bankers, and such up top.
Per Direction of the Communist Manifesto |
Great LINK...Memes to All of the 45
The MediaDELIVERYsystem is one that capitalizes on the human element “Ignorance is bliss.”
As such this system utilizes two other key elements in this TRIAD.
As such this system utilizes two other key elements in this TRIAD.
1.Freedom of the Speech, and the abuse/misuse the same.
2.Celebrity, the notion of 15 minutes of fames is now..I want to be famous, everyone else is.
the liberal media in the drivers seat their duty is but one. To spin,
promote and otherwise confuse the obvious, while the power of suggestion
are encouraged to the ends of their self interests.
The MACHINE that makes this work can be illustrated using the visualaide
Vehicle with Wheels, Engine, and Chassis!
The wheels this vehicle containing MediaOcracy roll on is ABUSE of the 1st Amendment
The Pretty Chassis, shiny and all, is the “Culture of Celebrity.”
Last but without it nothing works….is the engine, the gas if you will, WHAT MAKES it ALL GO…is
THE MEDIA. Without the media’s advise and CONSENT….Obama would be alone.
Pop-CULT-ure is Liberalism...with Media the Engine that makes it all GO |
Arguing a point of view
using generalizations in the abstract is fine, but that's not what the MediaOcracy
The Media-Ocracy takes its generalizations and applies them to specific cases. Logicians call that using the Fallacy of Accident. For instance, shooting someone is a crime, and in the course of duty sometimes police officers have to shoot dangerous people. The Media-Ocracy would then jump to the false conclusion that any police officer who shoots a bad guy is, himself, a criminal!
They also make this logical mistake in reverse, which is called the Fallacy of Reverse Accident. The Media-Ocracy would have you believe that because one police officer may have acted improperly, all our men and women in blue are bad.
The media's lack of integrity drives it to spread these falsehoods across the broadcast and print outlets, and the Internet is even worse. This illogic spread by the Media-Ocracy is accepted as fact by much of the American public. The media promotes conflict by highlighting the negative and contentious. Have you ever heard a news report telling you that all the flights into Phoenix landed safely today? Of course not! But if one plane goes down, the media scares the public into thinking such occurrences are commonplace. That's the logical fallacy of “argumentum in terrorem”, or appeal to fear. Now we are seeing the self-appointed guardians of the realm training their man Obama to use their revolting tactic of wielding fear like a cudgel.
The same rules apply to our every day conversations. We all know someone who is always contrary, citing exceptions to the rule. If your friend tells you that, “Tax cuts are bad for business. I'm an accountant, and lower taxes mean fewer customers hiring me to save them on their taxes,” you are probably not going to call him on his fallacious reasoning. Your have “bought” the crap your friend is “selling.” The reason we do this is because the Media-Ocracy, which has surrounded most Americans in this generation, has programmed us to be afraid of circumstances beyond our control, instead of inspiring Americans to reach higher, work harder and succeed despite adversity.
The America I love doesn't focus on what it cannot do; it focuses on our incredible power and potential
The Media-Ocracy takes its generalizations and applies them to specific cases. Logicians call that using the Fallacy of Accident. For instance, shooting someone is a crime, and in the course of duty sometimes police officers have to shoot dangerous people. The Media-Ocracy would then jump to the false conclusion that any police officer who shoots a bad guy is, himself, a criminal!
They also make this logical mistake in reverse, which is called the Fallacy of Reverse Accident. The Media-Ocracy would have you believe that because one police officer may have acted improperly, all our men and women in blue are bad.
The media's lack of integrity drives it to spread these falsehoods across the broadcast and print outlets, and the Internet is even worse. This illogic spread by the Media-Ocracy is accepted as fact by much of the American public. The media promotes conflict by highlighting the negative and contentious. Have you ever heard a news report telling you that all the flights into Phoenix landed safely today? Of course not! But if one plane goes down, the media scares the public into thinking such occurrences are commonplace. That's the logical fallacy of “argumentum in terrorem”, or appeal to fear. Now we are seeing the self-appointed guardians of the realm training their man Obama to use their revolting tactic of wielding fear like a cudgel.
The same rules apply to our every day conversations. We all know someone who is always contrary, citing exceptions to the rule. If your friend tells you that, “Tax cuts are bad for business. I'm an accountant, and lower taxes mean fewer customers hiring me to save them on their taxes,” you are probably not going to call him on his fallacious reasoning. Your have “bought” the crap your friend is “selling.” The reason we do this is because the Media-Ocracy, which has surrounded most Americans in this generation, has programmed us to be afraid of circumstances beyond our control, instead of inspiring Americans to reach higher, work harder and succeed despite adversity.
The America I love doesn't focus on what it cannot do; it focuses on our incredible power and potential
thanks, David..the Tricks are citizens and the pimps are the politicians.....meanwhile...the whores in the press...ARE Press-titutes....ON all too many street corners...
ReplyDeleteHookers, lies, and sink USa...
Join me and others Thursday the 16th of January....give the gift that keeps on giving....Truth....
ReplyDeletePete and I were at KVOA a few days ago....once the signs were up...the Gloves were put on....Baseball Gloves....
For an hour we passed...knuckle balls, curve balls abound and the slowest strings/fast balls my ego would accept..
I 'm going to challenge any one of the Men or Woman at have a chance at either challenge.
They won't be able to catch my best fast ball.
They won't be able to get any of theirs past me?
..c'mon i'm 63 years young kids....
person with video camera needed...
AIDA approach to marketing...Attention, Interest, Desire, Action....we'll get their attention....ignore us only for so long.....
Give the gift that keeps on giving....Truth....Happy with the nothing....NOT Happy? I have a plan...
Picket the Media...
Make this a Hobbit ..defined as a Cause that you MAKE your hobby and make it a habit....= HOBBIT
I'm Mad as Hell + I'm not gonna take this any more!
Picket the Media to "The Power of Ten"
Media...Liberals ...the Genesis...
Age of Enlightenment (philosophy)
Age of Disillusionment (despotism)
Era of Omission (Media distortion)