Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Communist Manifesto: MediaOcracy, State-run Media exposed a fullfledged...

  Tony's awesome "Media" memes

I wrote this Four years ago....

as I have come to learn more I have become more and more certain that the Media Elites (not the ones working it, but the ones OWNING it) are IN CONTROL of what is seen or heard.

This One World Order Propaganda machine is OUR enemy, no matter who you might like "delivering" the message....

They get paid lots of money, designed to have questions NOT asked by the commentators..

The Communist Manifesto: MediaOcracy, State-run Media exposed a fullfledged...

MediaOcracy, State-run Media exposed a fullfledged PARTNER   September 5, 2009 

| Think about Corporate America OWNs Main/Lame/Blame...

Archived broadcast.