Sunday, December 30, 2018

Naivete looms LARGE...."why won't Liberals get along with Conservatives?"

The one word answer is POWER.......

The LEFT, has coOPTED public opinion via the use of hollywood, the legacy media, universities
Once popCULTure reflected the Politics, but it flipped...when we GAVE all those with grievances an opportunity to coalesce.  

The isms, before and after gained power and now.
THE popCULTure NOW shapes the politics...this is PERVERTED...they now must keep the trust of those wishing to FEEL their think.

 They have to convince WE the People of what they do is what we want.  
If the communist leftist told the truth they would have NO CHANCE, that SIMPLE!  THEREFORE, the narrative, the false narratives, the lies, the lies of omission!


 George Orwell...they who control the conversation, control ...the politics.  Take it one step further ...those who rewrite the past can now write the future...

The PopCULTure explained

The left is antithetical to all things American.  The family, the church, the patriarch. ...See Critical Theory, Cultural's all there...

Let me put you wise....(DION...the Wanderer)
liars lie....communist leftists are trained to admit to nothing ever, keeps your lips moving, no biduhs bidduhs, simply run out the clock, live another day...

The left are inIT to lying, cheating and stealing.....for if truth be known, they cannot compete on an equal, fairly level playing field. 

Those against We the People are counter to what is good and kind, they will convince you to the obvious with the help of Hollywood, media, you know..the communists.

Joe McCarthy was taken down by...