Thursday, November 7, 2019

Three things you need to know...Tony's TOP THREE need to know today's Headlines 11/7/2019

Three Things you need to know...
need to know today's Headlines 

Whistleblower's attorney warned Trump a ‘coup is coming’ in 2017 tweets


Desperate Dems Drop ‘Quid Pro Quo’ Rhetoric, Now It’s ‘Extortion’ And ‘Bribery’

As the hours of transcripts of witnesses in the Ukraine impeachment inquiry rack up and continue to underwhelm, Democrats and their allies in the media have seized on a new tactic. The old, archaic term “quid pro quo,” is about to go the way of the Dodo. In its place the terms “extortion” and “bribery” will fly about like hot air balloons in California wine country.
Here we see the new terms in action from Rep. John Garamendi, D-Calif., yesterday on CNN. The supposed justification for this ramping up of the rhetoric is an amendment that Ambassador Gordon Sondland made to his testimony before the impeachment inquiry in which he said that on September 1st, 10 days before aid to Ukraine was released, he told a Ukrainian official that that aid was not likely to flow if a promise was not made to investigate the gas company Burisma, which employed Hunter Biden. Such a promise was never delivered.

Some GREAT MEME's ...key word...Swamp, Deep State