Friday, October 9, 2015

#42 Communist Manifesto - Treat Civic RIOTING and our Revolution AS THE SAME.....suckers

42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use ["]united force["] to solve economic, political or social problems.

Legitimizing RIOTS?
...using the founding fathers....??

allowing FOR a Moral comparison has been the JOB of the MarxOfascists 

 to distort, deceive and deny TRUTH for too dam long.

The Founders fought "rebelled" against King George 
because little georgy PROCLAIMED
 that which was OURS was HIS...

The Rebellion of King George and Public resistance are NOT of the same..
42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use ["]united force["] to solve economic, political or social problems.

In the 60's Students who are NOW adults, and MANY in Government, Universities...actually like Cock-a-Roaches Everywhere..
Liberals have BECOME what they HATED their PARENTS for.

Multi-generations later the SPOILED BRATS who had contempt for their Parents via authority and the help of pop culture promoting (don't trust anyone OVER 30...

Now a systemic Problem in THAT those who are ELECTED to PROTECT the Constitution

Law Enforcement and the lack of respect there of ...
is simply a CARRY OVER to the Counter-Cultures', anti-establishment....

Take their Contempt, marry it up with the Communist Manifesto, square it with Alinsky's Rules for Radicals what we have is Subversion.

The same Subversion Joe McCarthy spoke of....AND

THE FEAR of NOT calling it out...No politician, No talks show hosts, no other pundits...

and with Obama ...we IN FACT have "the Manchurian Candidate"...

When you have a Community Organizer as President, 
when you have a like minded Marxist as Mayor AND Attorney General 
(those who sees our laws being followed) 
are subverted to their mandated task....
we HAVE BEEN overtaken....
and like ISLAM....
AFRAID to call it what it is.


Does "art imitate life" or doe Life imitate ART....

Let me see so confused are we...(I'm NOT)

We have from the 60's the Anti-Establishment ...the Counter - CULT-ure....or now as we say...the POP-CULTure.

One in the same... #ferguson  #Breathoffreedom  #Icanbreathfreedom 

So two generations later...the anti establishment....

who were anti authority are NOW the authority still being anti-authority as in regards to Police and Law Enforcement terms of endearment ....

DEVOLVED to COPS terms OF cop enDANGERment....

There is something going on...what it is isn't exactly clear...there is a man with a gun over there... Buffalo Springfield, "For What it is Worth"


The Anti-Christ....incarnate....the ANTI  party

The counter culture, pop-CULTure, the Anti war Generationists.....

How can the anti-war the not so White House.....rule WITHOUT ...still.....BEING anti.........

allow Tony to Illustrate....TRUTH.....

Protesting the Inauguration of President Trump

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