Friday, October 23, 2015

1/365th of a "likelyhood that Benghazi was simply A Random Attack - Suckers....

Who will be the NEXT LIBERAL to be thrown under the bus by another LIBERAL....see Killing one matter

Is YOUR name SUCKER or Tucker?

By the way....FYI-Hillary "fans"

Stevens, was A Liberal...

allowed to die while "on his knees"

 begging for help...from HILLARY CLINTON....

a Pathological
Stevens WAS a Liberal...until he wasn't....

with friends like HILLARY who needs enemies..?

Which Hillary Friend/Supporter is next?

ALIVE anymore...
Support those who support you...right?.....

Suckers are YOU libs who support those who will allow YOU TO DIE......
while on their LAST breath remembered ..... begging for help

Introducing.....all the Schitt you care to know....

More like surreal
