Cavalry Charge...Here comes President Trump to the Rescue
Independents are growing in number ....
is an expression of a REJECTION of the Two Parties
that according to the Communist Manifesto.....
they are actually ONE party.

What's on It's been a long time for many of us to awaken to the truth of the two for party. #twoFORparty #twoINoneparty #rino
Amazes me to SEE how many still don't get it....

What's on It's been a long time for many of us to awaken to the truth of the two for party. #twoFORparty #twoINoneparty #rino
Amazes me to SEE how many still don't get it....
Trump filling the VACUUM left by anti-americanists. Pro We the People
The Good cop, Bad cop just that..
Independents...the default OTHER party..Period
For discerning THINKERS only
ALL things come in threes...
this is a fact based in nature's laws....
when you have two...that is called a conspiracy....
no tie breaker...
see Washington Generals vs the Harlem Globetrotters...
When you have two parties....both BEING one party...(fooled ya)
It is easy to see why the brainwashing continues....(a third party can't win)
What they are really saying is...WE own the system....don't tread on us...
Everything NATURE comes in you know why we have NO OFFICIAL third party outside the default third party (independents) because the third is the TIE breaker that breaks the ties that bond the rep and dems as ONEparty....suckers R us that can't think for ourselves, but instead buy the jive of the two in one party my name is tucker...NOT sucker...
Fighting fire with water isn't much different than believing Republicans CARE about We the People...
As the Communists EAT up BOTH parties...."We the People" ARE escaping to "the other party" by default.
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Just call (us) "We the People" Independents...the OTHER party the NEW "third" party that aint |