Monday, October 12, 2015

Communist Manifesto COMPLETE....USURPED from the inside..."If you can keep it, ma'am"

15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.
Nikki Haley Elitist RINO....proof positive.

The Communist Manifesto COMPLETE - 
taken from the INSIDE out.
 Suckers ARE US.

ACTUALIZED for DECADES and total silence from Politicians, from pundits, from Media....

"We the People"....saying "Don't GIVE me THAT!

If we can't call it what it is.....
you have by your silence DEFINED what IT is!

Our country has been usurped....
The Communists within.....We all know when it walks like a DUCK, it's a DUCK

Too bad our meekness has us ducking REALITY! 
 "if we can keep it ma'am"...

The final straw....
OUR House...the "people's HOUSE are NOW one....when total dysfunctional is in performance...simply illustrates

#15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States. add
20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.

and you can plainly see with your own lying eyes...
what LIES we tell ourselves via default from lack of ACTION.

Why Obama PRIORITIZES climate change NOW the NEW communist party...the GREEN movement all.

since 1971 eye witness.....

Western Europeans, Italians...
NEVER white ...
brought civilization to the world...via America....oh...that is also named AFTER an Italian...

This is the OTHER place...
myth identified..
Hell ON Earth

                         the Illusion...the Two in ONE party
Two IN ONE party