United States of America was formed via Conquest...
as the past 5,000 years.....
May the Strong survive....evolve into greater than once was....
A Coup is Usurping what is already established in Past ownership...taken without Permission....
passively (like Obama and the communists) or aggressively in as in Egypt....
England claimed ownership of its people (sorry Charlie, I own me)....thus they, the stupid ones think Americans participated in a coup....
NO....Idiot...What they did was conquest, we defeated IT...hands down
And yes...we made America what it is via conquest......sorry Charlie...been that way for 5,000 years...
Question posed at the bottom...
As your Raw Epistemologist....please review, bookmark...share..
Don't feel offended when charged with Ignorance, it simply means....
Ignorant = Not knowing
Dumb = Not knowing even when explained
Stupid = Knowing, but not accepting
Idiot = Knowing, not accepting, AND spewing the converse.....(tv)
Question ...which on describes Liberals?