Wednesday, February 18, 2015

I AM USURPER Man.....Able to speak out of both sides of my mouth while saying NOTHING

I AM....USURPER Man....

Able to speak from both sides of my mouth simultaneously...without saying a thing....

indeed...I am....
the USURPER from within..

In Matthew 16:1-3, Jesus scolded those who could not discern the times. Will we ignore the signs?

Obama is a sleeper agent for world Communism and as Louis Farrahkan stated, Obama “was selected before he was elected.” The following telling video, is from an interview with Tom Fife, a physicist and U.S. government contractor who claims that in 1992 while visiting Moscow, a woman with undying allegiance to Soviet Communism (the Soviet Union had recently collapsed on December 31, 1991) told him that a black man named Barack, born of a white American woman and an African male, was being groomed by Communists to be, and would be elected, President of the United States.
You may start the video at the 5:00 minute mark to eliminate advertisements and Tom Fife’s interview ends at the 43:00 minute mark. The rest of the video describes a chance meeting with revolutionary Communist Bill Ayers who claims Michelle Obama asked him to write “Dreams of My Father” the autobiographical book Obama is said to have written.
In Matthew 16:1-3, Jesus scolded those who could not discern the times. Will we ignore the signs? 


 Many Obama memes...just for the fun of it..
