Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Giuliani the LION Hearted....vs Manchurian Candidate

Rudy Giuliani - Italian ALPHA Male
This clip is the first of two parts..... 
Part two
There is NO explanation except ONE.....

We're telling everyone the Government is AFRAID to call out ISLAM

I'm telling YOU....WE ARE AFRAID to call OUT the President and his treasonous government.

Is the ONLY explanation REMAINING when all other critical thought has extinguished all other possibilities...

The Duty of Men to do their duty is being called out by the LION.....Giuliani

Apathy, NOT Rudy

                                           About Tony

The Bully and the Wimp.....awaits the LION, less we wait too late.


from the link above

This evidence begs some questions from the honest reader:
• If these are all independent organizations, why is it that each of them is so neatly tied to the same parent organization, the Muslim Brotherhood?
• Why are most of them named by the Muslim Brotherhood in their own memorandum?
• Why were all involved, directly as unindicted co-conspirators or indirectly as ardent supporters of the accused, with the Holy Land Foundation trial?

It doesn’t take a super sleuth to realize that these organizations are in fact fronts and subsidiaries of one organization, the Muslim Brotherhood. All one has to do is glance at the published information on their backgrounds, and the fact reveals itself.
The Anschluss (“Annexation”) of Georgetown and the Brookings Institution

Read more at http://joemiller.us/2015/02/the-betrayal-papers-a-national-security-smoking-gun-of-obamas-conspiracy-with-muslim-brotherhood/#HxUCSJseJGffR5Wo.99