Tony's awesome "Media" memes
Brian Williams and NBC....under the cover of media darkness...Conspired with other employees on the chopper to keep the LIE alive...
who are those OTHER Employees of NBC
John Kerry forgetful
Hillary forgetful
now we have Williams...all made up "war time stories...
Fog of Memory? This want the glory without the price to be paid..
....sad shuck and jive...but we can't be surprised....we can BE outraged and act... #picketmedia
Liberals LIE....Period! Image vs I right or wrong?
Performers vs I right or wrong....
Performers will speak to will alert you to
1. what I will do
2. then they will DO IT..
3. Then they will TELL you what they did...
1. Will tell you what they have done in the past
2. Will tell you what they "will" do in the future..
3. Will go on to tell you what they are doing now...repeat 1 & 2...
This is up for DEBATE....good luck....facts please....logic, reason and deduction...not alinsky rules of ridicule vs fact.
Victim rules the world via the guilt trip suckers are buying..
"You can't play the blues" have experienced PAIN....
Is how liberal sees the victim...and thus IS precisely HOW...the Brian Williams Therorem rolls.
Think about it...
Hollow-wood....loves ACTING and becoming WHO they are "playing."
Thus WHO THEY simply Not enough..
Now lets square that one more rotation with those who READ the NEWSnot.
They are tired of being the information WHORE...if actors can do it on the screen...I can do it on the NEWSnot.