Saturday, February 14, 2015

Racism - The False Narrative of being the SAME - Sucker I'm NOT...

Racism - The False Narrative of being the SAME  - Sucker I'm NOT...
actually its a false narrative...
"Each to their own" suggests "racism"...
I prefer to be with my own, while not thinking I"M BETTER than you...
the antithetical is bigotry....that's legitimate...
the false narrative as those wishing to BE with their own is NOT a racist...
hating the other IS...

So EVERYTHING is the SAME..? #falsepremise #falsenarrative #trickbag
All NBA teams are the same?...(no need for playoffs)
All NFL teams are the same?.. (no need for Super Bowl)
All Hollow-weird movies are the same? (no need for Oscar)

Unless of course...THEY are ALSO "racist"....

To make a FOOT RACE must all BEND to the SLOWEST runner....

EVERYTHING is not the SAME....
We are ALL RACIST...
(I'm a faster runner than you, I will even show you)

The correct "narrative" ARE YOU A BIGOT.....
Italians are the BEST Cultural engineers.....I'm proud of ME...
now that RACIST...?
I fear going into a ghetto at night....does this make me racist?
I know.....Law abiding people of all colors fear going into the inner city at THIS racist?
Of course it is...its ALL Racist....
What is a FALSE NARRATIVE is the fact is also is NOT......
Racism is mere an expression of Truth that too many do not wish to be confronted with....
The charge of RACISM is a trick.....a trick to get you to shut up ...and not talk to the sensibilities of the obvious...

meaning you have little to NO respect of other "ethnicities"...only one RACE (human)

Muslims the "same" as Christians.? celebrates LIVE and Love....

juxtapose those who CELEBRATE death and HATE...

how in the world....can ALL people be SAME..?.
mathematically impossible..